It all started innocently enough…
During the American Civil War some board Yankees were a-lookin’ fer sumpthin’ ta do betwixt losing battles(as you might guess it was early in the war.) They looked around and found a few Rebel boddy parts blowd clean offen soldier’s boddy’s. They found a head, a hand, a wanker and a foot.
They wanted to be able to throw it and kick it in the game they was thinkin’ up sooo…
They eliminated the idea of using the head as it was kinda heavy and sumtimes when they caught it or picked it up it kinda was spooky having two eyes buggin’ out atcha or two empty sockets starin’ atcha iffin the crows and magpies got ta the head first.
They gave up on using the hand cuz it felt like you wuz shakin’ hands with the dead(an’ they wuz gonna be doin’ that soon enough.)
They dropped the idea of using the wanker for a passel a rezins. Sum Yankees felt kinda akward holdin sumone else’s wanker. Sum would stop in the middle of the game and play with thar own wanker. However, mostly the games would break out in fights cuz a all the Bluebellies that’d be grabbin’ everyone else’s wanker!
Sos they settled on the foot cuz it was passabul, catchabul, kickabul, not too heavy, personal nor spooky. Though they did continue to have some trouble with the occassional Yankee who had a foot fettish, collected toejam, sucked toes or was studyin’ ta be a podiatrist.