When and where was your first game?

  • My first game was with a “young men’s group” kind of a Boy Scouts thing we had at church. We studied teamwork and general strategy and stuff. The “Scoutmaster” brought A&A once and we had a blast! He made a compilation of classical war music and brought it too. (“Mars” “Imperial Death March” and others.) That really gets you going you ought to try it! I was hooked.

  • Ha, haven’t seen you for awhile. :wink:

    Teaching tactical war history at church!? Isn’t this like forbidden or something?

  • I forgot my password and was running around on the keyboard like a chicken with it’s head cut off until I decided to check that email thing that you get when you first start your account. :oops: Anyway, I’m back.

    It is not your typical church, and besides, it wasn’t actually during church… I guess it does sound strange, we had fun though! :D

  • '19 Moderator

    I belive military topics are quite popular in some religons, the mormons for one. At least that is what I understand.

  • Nah, I was just teasing about the the church stuff. It’s just that most religions are like, “fighting is wrong!” :wink:

    Anyways Bang, great ta have ya back. :roll:

  • It really ticks me off when Christians say that war is wrong. I agree that many wars are wrong, started for stupid reasons by stupid people, but there does come a time when “right” must be upheld against the “wrong”. A lot of times it comes down to a moral decision, and if the Church was doing it’s job we wouldn’t take a whole lot of time deciding!

  • Ha, it just depends what religion is more “right” to make moral decisions. However, there are sometimes war is inevitable and can’t just sit around and condone what is going on.

  • @bangalore:

    It really ticks me off when Christians say that war is wrong. I agree that many wars are wrong, started for stupid reasons by stupid people, but there does come a time when “right” must be upheld against the “wrong”. A lot of times it comes down to a moral decision, and if the Church was doing it’s job we wouldn’t take a whole lot of time deciding!

    The Roman Catholic Church is a very hypocritical body. It claims that war is wrong and that killing is wrong yet it let millions of Jews die in Hitler’s gas chambers and in history it always supported the attacks on Jews. The Church is very hyproctritical and very corrupt. A good book for anyone who wants to know about The Roman Catholic Church during World War 2 is Hitler’s Pope.

    Another interesting history topic is Jewish history. It’s very long and very sad, but very interesting too.

    Now I will talk about my first game of Axis and Allies. It happened a few months ago, actually. It was when I was studying World War 2 in school that my friend burned me a copy of the game and I’ve been playing since. I had seen it and learned about how it worked before but I didnt actually play it for myself until I got the game. I played as Japan first and didnt do too well. Once Germany fell, I was quickly defeated, but it was a good game. In a few days I began to do much better at it and in my frist game as Great Britain, I won. That was on hard mode. Since then I’ve been working to improve my strategies.

  • Well the issue on the Pope during WWII (what was his name again?) is still hotly debated even today. Some people say the Pope did all he could without raising Hitler’s wrath.

    Oh, so you’re still a rookie, eh? It’s intresting to see people new to the game and how they react to it.

    PS: Burning games is wrong! :evil: Go restore your dignity by buying the board game! That’s what all the good A&A player have. :roll:

  • Grew up in a small town called Cotulla, Texas and two guys one an elder at my church and the other a English Teacher played this board game and I always wanted to know what took so damn long. So asked to join and of course at that age I didnt even really appreciate the game… now I love the classic battle. Played online for a year or so and now im back. Once someone answer my post about how to fix game… hehe


    btw the two men were Bill Cotulla and Michael Beyers

  • Sort of the same with me. My first game was when I was 10, and I really didn’t start playing competitively until I finally got my own copy of A&A (previously I had to go to my cousins house to play) when I turned 15. Since then, A&A has been more of a off again on again relationship, though with A&A.org I can share my A&A thoughts with the rest of the fellow gamming community.

  • My first game was between myself and my older sister. I had recieved Axis & Allies for my eleventh birthday, I believe, but I had definate trouble finding anyone to play. Eventually I convinced my sister and we proceeded with the first game (she has attempt to play me very few times since). Unfortunately the details have been lost in my memory, but I believe I was the axis and got my ass thoroughly kicked; more than likely it was a terrible game, but I’m glad I had the experience.

  • Damn! Bossk you have like the exact same story as me! Except instead of sister, it’s brother, and instead of 11, it’s 15. :lol:

  • Ha, great stories – all of them! :D
    These are some of the greatest post I have ever read for sure.

    Bossk, at least I know there’s someone who can share the pain and humiliation of being beat by the opposite gender. And sometimes by more than one at the same time!

    So far I know I’m not the oldest A&A player, but I think I’m the youngest. Unless… somebody can top (or should I say lower?) age 10.

    Chris, I also have a older brother so I got the worst of both worlds! (Though me and him were on the same team, so we both lost :oops: )

    Also, I’m wondering if any first time players actually pulled off a victory. So far it’s been total beatdown (including me) on part of the other side.

  • Ah oops, instead of OLDER SISTER, it’s YOUNGER BROTHER. Heh heh…there we go! (I insisted that I would be the bad guys-Axis, and I certainly paid the price!)

  • '19 Moderator

    I did get a win my first game. That is part of what hooked me. But I was America in a 5 player game, and the other guys had played a few times.

  • @TG:

    Ha, great stories – all of them! :D
    These are some of the greatest post I have ever read for sure.

    Bossk, at least I know there’s someone who can share the pain and humiliation of being beat by the opposite gender. And sometimes by more than one at the same time!
    Also, I’m wondering if any first time players actually pulled off a victory. So far it’s been total beatdown (including me) on part of the other side.

    my dream is to be one day married to a woman who can beat me around 50% of the time at games.
    my first A&A was at my house after church one sunday when a few guys from my sunday school class came over and taught me the game. We’d always played risk until then, but “there was this awesome game that Jon had just bought”. This must have been around 18 years ago or so . . . when i was 11/12, in there.

  • Whoa, why does every first A&A game seem to be at Church now!? :wink: At the rate this is going, I’ll be the only decent, self-respecting Christian guy out there! :D

    “my dream is to be one day married to a woman who can beat me around 50% of the time at games.”

    Ha, just be sure she doesn’t rub it in your face every time she wins! :lol: I’ve been disgraced more then once by the dreaded Venus Troupe Girl Dance Party at A&A… grrr… :evil:

  • '19 Moderator


    the dreaded Venus Troupe Girl Dance Party

    Now that sounds interesting! How do I get them to come to my games?

  • Here’s the interesting back story:

    About 1 and a half years ago, my sister and I were having this real big argument over something and the only way we’d settle it was through a game of A&A. She was the Allies and I chose Axis w/ a small bid and paratroopers. Well, I gave her a sound thrashing and planted the Japanese flag over her White House. Well apparently she didn’t like it, and we didn’t speak for a week. During this time, she was secretly rebuilding her tactics and recruiting and teaching two other girlfriends on how to play the game. She then challenged me to another game, this time multiplayer. Since most of my A&A playing friends were unavailable or caught off guard with such short notice, I had to settle with an intermediate player. This time it was a different story. With good luck, second guessing (they used a switched Japan-Germany ATB containment strategy), and teamwork, they were the ones able to come out. Of course for her, the revenge was bittersweet and to prove it, they also came up with this cheerleader spirited “Venus Troupe Girl Dance” move that was humiliating. Since then, I have sworn off to play against them again unless I come well prepared ahead of time.

    Now that you heard it, I bet you don’t want to play against them. Their strategy may not be as good, but they do know how to play the metagame.

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