• I’m about to start a game against a VERY experienced player where i’m germany and he’s the UK and our two other friends play the other countries. What’s an innovative strategy for Germany?..There’s always the “sack russia” theory but i know what they’re gonna do is double team me with the UK and Russia and not even worry about Japan. What do i do?..REMEMBER, i need NEW AND INNOVATIVE ideas!!!

  • Well, it seems to me that there really isn’t anything Germany can/should do against the UK directy until Russia is sacked.

    It’s in Germany’s best interests to basicly keep UK out if it’s hair until after Russia’s gone. The way to do that is don’t let the UK get a navy. Keep the Luftwaffe just strong enough to do that duty. Unless the UK has a navy or an industrial complex either in Africa or India, they’re not much help, unless they’re just chuckin’ fighters into Russia for defense, which hurts Germany’s goals.

    Just get rid of his Navy until you have Moscow.

    Any kind of excessive aggression against UK before Russia falls is misdirected and usually wil just end up helping Russia push Germany back.

    Also, if you KNOW they will attack Germany disproportionally then just go defensive. Just go fighers and infantry from the start and hang on and let Japan do the work. If they think that Germany can’t hold it’s own against the Allies when UK has no navy before Japan can take over Moscow uncontrollably, then it’s time to teach them the err in their strategy!

  • much wisdom the Jedi has.
    The navy has to go. Don’t let the US build up a navy either. I like to keep a bomber or two on hand in w-europe to sink anything the US drops in the EUS sz. Also make sure you keep a few guys in Africa. By turn 3 you should have most of it under control and maybe even advancing a couple of guys east-wards towards Persia. Russia can not afford to be aggressive with Germany (i know. i’ve played Russia VERY aggressively without proper Allied support).
    I also agree that Russia must fall before any grandiose plans against Britain may be tried out, but as Germany, this is not your responsibility. Your job is to simply keep Russia looking westward while Japan eats up territory. Eventually You will win the attrition war with Russia as its income drops, provided you look after Africa and keep the Atlantic pure. If for some reason, you let a few transports slip into the seas without removing them, then infantry becomes the priority and you focus on defense until Japan does “its’ thing”.

    On a related topic, What do people think of attacking Karelia with tanks and infantry and pulling them back after destroying a portion of them? It might keep Karelia managable once Britain lands planes there and make life easier when you at last decide to take it.
    Oh yeah, once last piece of advice: Pray (unless you’re FinsterniS) that your fellow Axis power plays intelligently - wipes out Pearl Harbor, and drops everyone it can on the mainland, and keeps supporting it (of course if America leans on Germany, a couple of Japanese in Alaska is always a pisser).

  • Go on the Defense, except in Africa. Use fighers to fend off early Naval invasions. Capture Africa quickly. Then sit back and go defensive, and let your Japaneese player pick away at Russia.

  • Do what Yanny says. Conquer Africa as soon as possible before holding it at Egypt against the inevitable invasion by the US. The more USA has to put into Africa, the less you have to worry about a strong D-Day invasion or reinforcement of the Karelia Push. Just don’t go overboard at try and secure Africa at the cost of destabilizing Eastern Europe.

    Here’s a question for all, is Australia, Madagascar, and New Zealand worth taking? Combined they provide a 4 IPC, steady, almost unrecaptureable, source of income. However, the main problem is that it positions 1 or more transports out of order, desperately needed for bridging operations in Japan. It also takes time, from the Sea of Japan, it would take 4 turns to reach all of those territories. I’m interested in hearing your opinions.

  • Bomb the Brits back to the stone Age!!

    if you can take Africa, Iraq and Persia and Japan can take Australia, new Zealand and India. the UK only has 12 IPC’s left per turn.
    2 or 3 bombers doing runs every turn and you have them beat. if you get rockets or heavy bombers you only have to use one bomber a turn.
    every now and then send a few fighters to go on ONE PASS runs on england to soffen what forces they have up for an invation. i sugest algeria for a jump off point for the invation.

  • They are worth taking, just don’t go out of your way to take the. Definately Australia and New Zealand, Mad. is a bit more inconvienant.

  • Okay, thanks. Just needed to hear someone else’s opinion on this :)

  • hehe, double team germany and ignore japan, i LOVE it when they do that :) you can chew up russia really quickly when your ignored.

    seriously, as germany, try real hard to take as much land from russia and england without losing your offensive peices. in the early game ive had alot of luck with buying mostly infantry, with some fighter purchases here and there. lets face it, germany nearly always winds up defensive, and you need troops and fighters for that. i try to maintain at least one fighter per european country that i have, and one bomber for every 3 european country i have. works well, cause you can attack with a stack of troops and horde of aircraft, take a country, and still land your fighters in strategic locations. tanks come later in the game for me usually. but then, i usually rely on japan to do the real dirty work in taking out russia, and alot of the uk.
    a friend of mine swears by german bombers. he buys all troops first turn, and 1 bomber, the rest troops for most turns after that, and strategic bombs russia. bombers are also nice to take out the occasional stray allied transport.

  • Well chances are if you’re facing off against good Allied players you won’t be running into many lone transports. But usually I stick with on rule for Germany - infantry. In the game I will ever hardly buy anything else, bmb, arm, ftr, nothing can match the defensive firepower of inf. I think bmbs are a bum move for Germany because:

    1. They defend at 1 (a big no-no for a defensive player for Germany
    2. 1 bmb is equal to 5 inf. Tell me, what would you rather have when the Allies are stacking all across europe?

  • as far as the bombers go, it is very risky, but i have used them to good effect strategic bombing quite often. this only works if youve managed to keep germany rich and england poor. very dificult to do with a good england player, but possible. and i usually play germany agressive, because if both sides are equal players, axis only has ~25% chance to win anyway (or less), so may as well take risks, and have some fun. i must admit, im a weak germany anyway. i am pretty good with japan tho.

  • To fix the imbalance try playing with Russia Restricted and Bidding.

  • “hehe, double team germany and ignore japan, i LOVE it when they do that you can chew up russia really quickly when your ignored.”

    Yea, that whole “let’s take down Germany first/forget about Japan” strategy is a joke. Anytime my opponent(s) say that or look like they’re doing it I think “well, this one’s in the bag.” Sometimes I’ll tell them, “man, don’t waste the game on that. You’ll just loose. Try something more interesting.” But, that makes 'em more confident that I’m trying to save myself against a good plan until they suddenly find themselves covered in Japanese chips and say, “man, he was right.”

    But, then they turn right around and make the same mistake again.


  • Even as a diehard advocate of Germany Must Die First, I still have the common sense of transfering forces into Asia when thinks start to look grim.

  • Yea, I’m sure any of us would agree to “Germany must die first”, but only the faulty ones would claim “Germany must die FAST” or “Don’t mind those dudes over in the far east. We’ll get them after we finish with this.”

    he he he

    Silly willies.

  • You should take all your boats and planes and attack London. If you are lucky, you’ll capture it.

  • Uh, I don’t think so. First of all Germany’s “boat” Navy is quite small, only 2 transports (one in the Mediterranean, which is out of position). Second, if you attempt to build a North Sea Navy, the Allies can easily wreck havok on it with Planes and blockading your own force with its navy. Then there’s the question of invading UK itself, no small feat. UK can prepare for any purchases made on Germany’s turn and counter them.

  • Uh, Chiefman21, he had a “strategy question”, not “a request for blind, fool-hearty luck.”


  • @TheJediCharles:

    “hehe, double team germany and ignore japan, i LOVE it when they do that you can chew up russia really quickly when your ignored.”

    Yea, that whole “let’s take down Germany first/forget about Japan” strategy is a joke. Anytime my opponent(s) say that or look like they’re doing it I think “well, this one’s in the bag.” Sometimes I’ll tell them, “man, don’t waste the game on that. You’ll just loose. Try something more interesting.” But, that makes 'em more confident that I’m trying to save myself against a good plan until they suddenly find themselves covered in Japanese chips and say, “man, he was right.”

    But, then they turn right around and make the same mistake again.


    I was playing a game on the Zone yesterday as Japan and the Allies used that against me. They ignored me and I was doing well. I had the best economy out of all the pwoers as I was expanding toward Moscow. My ally was a jerk. He was a know-it-all and was annoying as hell. WE would have won, but he quit in the middle and all of a sudden the game ended. That sucked.

  • I was playing a game on the Zone yesterday…

    I did a search for this ‘Zone’ you mentioned, found it, and they already claim they don’t support A&A there anymore. What’s up with that? I never got to try it.


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