• :lol:

  • On 2002-06-07 16:50, TG Moses VI wrote:
    I think Xi is right for a change! (j/k)

    Thanks T VI,
    It’s nice to be appreciated!

    Wait a cotton-pickin’ minute…

    “I’ll be Bach.” - Name that misquote

  • Ab and T VI,
    You stole my PH!

    I affirm BXR and W2’s analysis.

    Obviously, the Axis have a hard lane to row. They must make all the right moves and wait for Allied mistakes. Unless you alter the game somewhat. Most of us who have played the game for a while do make adjustments to the rules to ballance the playing field. However, IMCO, most people (playing someone of equal skills) do not alter the game enough to give the Axis an even(never mention a better chance). I enjoy playing someone new to the game and giving them a few advantges to get them interested in playing it again. It gives them a chance and me a challenge.
    “Do you ever gamble? Let me give you some advice. Always bet on black!” - Name the movie and for 100,000 bonus point name the character who says the line.

  • Whny would Japan send the Philippines transport to take over India on turn 1? It’s much easier to take India by sending in the entire Indo-China force and the bomber from Japan against India. When India falls, Japan can simply move all its forces from Kwangtung to Indo-China and all the Manchuria infantry to Kwangtung and then land more troops onto Manchuria using the transport on the Sea of Japan. America can’t really react since attacking any Japanese area will weaken its forces and allow Japan to simply retake any lost territory next turn. If Japan is lucky and the UK put a complex on India, then it got one on mainland Asia without spending any IPCs. Even if Japan does use the Philippines transport, it would be a good idea for it to buy a transport or two on the first turn. I do that and then send those transports with infantry to knock out Pearl Harbor and midway so I can prevent America from trying to create a new navy. That’s also why an attack on Pearl Harbor on turn 1 is a good idea, in my opinion.

  • If UK vacate India, Jap attacks are

    1. China w/ 5 Inf 2 Fighter (2 Inf Kwatung 3 Inf Manchuria, Fighter from Manchuria & Japan)
    2. Siakiang w/ 2 Inf 1 Fighter from Burma
    3. India w/ 2 Inf from Phillipines.
    4. Pearl Harbor w/ air & sub only.
      Buy is standard 2 trans 3 inf.
      NonCombat 2Inf from Japan to Burma.
      This collapse Russia Southern Front and also dare Russia to go strong into Manchuria (sucker move for Rus since Japan can recapture and wipe out all force in Manchuria w/ min lost).

    But I agree w/ other that this strategy is risky for Axis. They risk losing 2 Inf & 1 Armor in Africa on turn 1, thus necessitating even more Inf investment on Turn 2 & 3 to capture Africa. This strategy can pretty much be summed up as: 24% of the time, Germany capture Egypt & Iraq with no loss. If they get that lucky, they should go on and win the game. If they don’t, they’ll go down in flame fast.

  • IMO, vacating India on T1 if a bum move. First you have to realize that shift from a 3 IPC to 2 IPC territory is a huge imbalance considering that the primary goal is a EV. Therefore, UK most hold India at least until T2 before retreating. With India gone, all Japan has to do is move 1 inf to take it over, allowing them to take both China’s in a single turn!

    But what is the German to do if he doesn’t take Egypt T1 (personally I would, but considering you don’t want to risk losing your BB T1 to the UK sub)? The Germans can easily outflank Egypt by moving their ARM to take both French Africa’s and moving the 2 inf to French Equatorial. Then you can safely land 2 inf into Libya the following turn and attack Egypt with up to 6 inf, 1 ARM (along with possible fighter support) on T2. This force should probably be enough to take Egypt even if India sifts all forces to Egypt T1.

    If I were a younger man, I would write a history of human stupidity; and I would lie down on my back with my history for a pillow; and I would make a statue of myself, lying on my back, grinning horribly, thumbing my nose at You Know Who. - Bokonon

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-06-12 15:54 ]

  • –------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    My advice, fight the Eastern Front to contain the Russians outside of Eastern Europe, forcing them to choose between defending between Karelia or Ukraine if you need those 3 extra IPCs to end the game. Use the rest of those forces to protect WE and Africa. Remember a D-Day can ruin the Axis attempts at an EV. I’m interested in hearing your calculations on how to do it.

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