• What’s with ships being so much more expensive?

    Here is a comparison:

    MechInf = Destroyer (4-8)
    Tank = Cruiser (6-12)
    Infantry = Carrer (3-14)

    yet the costs are outrageous! A destroyer costs twice as much as mech infantry, a cruiser costs twice as much as a tank. Why? Don’t tell me a couple of cruisers is more expensive than a couple divisions (re: several hundred) of tanks!

    Just because their sea units doesn’t make them all-expensive. Here is a proposal:

    SS = 4 IPC
    TP = 5 IPC
    DD = 6 IPC
    CA = 10 IPC
    CV = 12 IPC
    BB = 16 IPC

    fighter = 9 IPC
    tac bom = 10 IPC
    bom = 12 IPC

    I see no problem with having more sea units out there, and it’d prevent heavy bombers from decimating fleets, as there could easily be a ton of DD out there. Now it makes only a little more sense to attack navies with just aircraft than to attack infantry with just aircraft.

    I see no reason for the sea units (entirely separate from land units) to be way overpriced. It’s simply ridiculous. Now the British and Japanese incomes can be shortchanged, as they don’t need as much to handle big fleets, and the income goes to the fleets, not to massive amounts of Japanese tanks riding the Moscow magnet.

    If Japan had an income of 30-40, Russia with 20-30, Japan couldn’t be such a monster in AA50, could it?

  • @cts17:

    What’s with ships being so much more expensive?
    SS = 4 IPC
    TP = 5 IPC
    DD = 6 IPC
    CA = 10 IPC
    CV = 12 IPC

    i agree as germany in revised i always get the uboat interditon thing but dont got cash for it put 4 ipc subs would be awesome. but would make carriers and bb erelivent

  • Customizer

    Ships need to be able to take cover in ports.


    Aircraft need to make a detection roll when attacking ships which are “at sea”.

  • The combat system allows aircraft to be involved in land and sea battles.  Maybe the aircraft cost links the other IPC costs in some way to make the game work well.

  • I think that lowering the price on the cheap ships while leaving the heavy plowers the same will make them obsolete. People already don’t get BB’s very often. Causing the shift to be deeper would make it worse.

    SS = 5
    TP = 5
    DD = 7
    CA = 10
    CV = 13
    BB = 16

    fig = 10
    tac = 10
    bom =12

  • Totally agree with cts17

  • heres a better list


    MINY IC-9
    BIG IC-29

  • I don’t know - I found the pricing very reasonable so far.

    building a BB is a mayor investment and takes time.

    even for DDs you need the slips and it could take months

    producing (assembling) tanks is done in days…

    For the steel used in a BB you could easily build several thousand tanks.

    if you compare numbers;: shermans were produced: 55.000 or so (?)

    at the end of the war the US had 4000 warships (?) - no sure about the numbers ;)

    A German Tank campany (3 platoons) were 17 Tanks - 4 companies to a batallion make 52 tanks…

    1944 the Panzer Lehr Division (model division) had 101 Panzer IV and 89 Panzer V (Panther) + 31 Tank Destroyer (IV L48) and just under 10 StuG III and that was FULL STRENGTH.

    There were ONLY 43 different Panzerdivisions in the Wehrmacht (+7 SS)

    That in mind I think the current prices are quite “historical”

  • Customizer

    the reason ships cost more than land is because of aircraft…
    aircraft cost more than land, and justifiably so
    since aircraft can attack both, air links them
    so… if you make a DD cost 4… then that means you can have slightly more than 2 DD for every fighter you buy… which would suck for fighters

    i think the pricing right now is very very reasonable,
    though I do think cruisers should be 11, carriers 14 or 15, and BB 18 or 19

  • I think Carriers are fine at 16. BB could go down if its proven to be too weak. Other naval units are probably correct.

    As of now, in term of price, Ground < Air < Naval. This should be accurate. This game doesn’t take into account some other logistic aspect of real life. Naval ship although expensive, can be used to move troops around (in the game, only transports can) and can carry large cargo (non-existent in the game) of food or other supplies.


  • Cruisers could do with a cost of 11, really.

  • If you want more naval battles, then increase the value of the convoy zones.

  • @Brain:

    If you want more naval battles, then increase the value of the convoy zones.

    Or increase the number of sea zones to create an air gap.

  • @allboxcars:


    If you want more naval battles, then increase the value of the convoy zones.

    Or increase the number of sea zones to create an air gap.

    That could work.

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