Let Japan destroy US Fleet at Pearl, good strategy?

  • Let’s say that US move all or at least most of the US fleet to Pearl first turn. This would indeed provide a temtping target for the Japanese fleet. They will have the capacity to destroy it but will have to commit most of their fleet to achieve a comfortable victory (US-player will of course station all fighters and tac-bombers at Hawai so they can scramble and support the fleet).

    What will the allies achieve by this?

    Of course it will be a tactical victory for Japan, but the allies will also have some strategic benefits.

    A large part of the Japanese fleet will be drawn away from the important DEI-area and take away a lot of pressure on the british forces.

    It will draw US into the war, maybe earlier then the Japanese player originally did plan

    Although the US fleet is beaten the Japanese would take a dent too.

  • I think it’s a bad idea. The US fleet is not a more important target than the DEI, PI, and Kwangtung. Also, you have to be able to survive the counter-attack which will likely consist of bombers and naval units from San Fran. In all likelihood you will not be able to actually take the island so you wont have the naval base, meaning leaving will be quite slow as well.

    I dont see that it is a good decision against a competent opponent.

  • i agree…Japan must take the DEI and needs to threaten the UK and ANZACs at Calcutta and Sydney…i think they have a better chance at securing those cities than honolulu…unless the US player has problems…

  • Sorry, I was a bit unclear. I meant you as the US-player should try to lure your opponent into making a big attack against Pearl in J2. Tempt him with most of the US fleet.

  • Ahh, I understand.

    Well in that case, if you can pull it off as the US it’s probably a good idea for the reasons listed as to why it would be a bad idea for Japan. :)

    If you are looking at it as a ploy, then the US should probably try and minimize losses. I wouldnt send any planes stationed at Pearl out to play - save them for the counter attack. Also, make sure the Brits are in position to capitalize on the Japanese fleet being away. They might be able to stage a nice raid on the DEI or farther up the coast of China.

  • I would want to experiment to see how much US stuff the Japanese player will go after.  Do you have to use all the US starting ships, or could you do it with a transport, BB and DD?  Then, hopefully you could counter-attack with bombers and two DDs or something.  I don’t know.  I will have to look it over sometime.

  • Customizer

    If you are looking at it as a ploy, then the US should probably try and minimize losses. I wouldnt send any planes stationed at Pearl out to play - save them for the counter attack. Also, make sure the Brits are in position to capitalize on the Japanese fleet being away. They might be able to stage a nice raid on the DEI or farther up the coast of China.

    Unless you block with the US, how are you preventing Japan from taking Pearl at all?  Transports from Japan make it.  If the carriers are 1 space away from Hawaii at teh end of J2, which they can be, the Japan can hit with 10 ground units (assuming an initial Japanese buy of a minor factory and 2 TTs) and fighters/TAC.

    I get ignored every time I mention anything about this, but I am really confused why the japanese couldn’ go all out for Hawaii.

    What are you all doing to stop this?  If the entire Japanese fleet is there, it just isn’t feasible to hit it on US3.  I am not beating my chest, but really would like to know what others are doing to eat through 3 carriers 6 planes 2 BB 4 DD 2 sb etc.  I find that I can’t retake it for a number of turns (I’m still trying to figure out the best buys to do this) and I’m in serious danger of losing Sydney right after.  Everything else seems irrelevent.

  • Well, I guess if Japan devotes her whole opening towards taking and holding Hawaii you probably arent going to stop it. But as the Allies I dont think I’m really that worried about that opening. I think not taking PI and the DEI and hitting the Brits HARD is a terrible mistake. 90% of the Ami money is untouchable due to the massive NO bonus so you really arent taking away Allied money by being over there. And you really dont have a serious chance of taking out the US West Coast so that means you have to standoff the ever increasing US presence in their own front yard (to which I see little to no appeal).

  • @Uncle_Joe:

    Well, I guess if Japan devotes her whole opening towards taking and holding Hawaii you probably arent going to stop it. But as the Allies I dont think I’m really that worried about that opening. I think not taking PI and the DEI and hitting the Brits HARD is a terrible mistake. 90% of the Ami money is untouchable due to the massive NO bonus so you really arent taking away Allied money by being over there. And you really dont have a serious chance of taking out the US West Coast so that means you have to standoff the ever increasing US presence in their own front yard (to which I see little to no appeal).

    Actually, a Japan feint with carriers at Pearl is a great idea IMHO.  Just park 2 carriers next door, like SZ 31 and have enough planes/subs/DDs in range.  If the US fortifies, smash there fleet using mostly planes.  This knocks the US back for a few turns.  If they don’t, take it and fortify it with carriers and planes if you can.

    Using 2 carriers, your subs, a pair of DDs, and some planes for this purpose still leaves you with 2 BBs, another carrier, pair of cruisers, etc, to lock down the DEI area with.  You’ll loose a few transports but thats gonna happen no matter what.

  • let japan take los Angelos, that’s a brilliant plan. it never fails :)

  • Customizer

    The fllet goes to Pearl, but not the planes.  The rest of teh planes & bombers on Kwangtung on an airbase gives the dual adjantage of hitting yunnan with all airpower and hitting an allied fleet if it ventures in range.

    It seems no one else is playing this way.  I am curious to see how this would play out against the strategies being used out there right now (with no bid).  Someone play against me PBEM?

    PS - I find it amusing that someone is giving me -1 karma every time I post.  It is good to see that even without trying I can deeply affect someone’s psyche.  I really can make a difference  :-D!

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