• Hi Folks,

    I’m new to the world of Axis and Allies, and just my first version (spring 1942). I noticed that the number of units are different from country to country (ie UK only has 2 aircraft carriers; the others have 4. Russia has 10 tanks; the others have 8) - is that how it’s supposed to be, or is something wrong with the game I bought?

    Hope you can clarify this.

    Thanks in advance…

  • I believe the number of units is based off the possibility for building that type of unit, although 2 carriers for UK sounds like too few. Russia having less tanks also sounds strange.

  • You can get a list of the unit pieces that you are supposed to receive with the game here:


    The distribution of the different pieces varies between countries. Example, UK, Germany and Russia are supposed to have 2 carriers each, and 4 for both Japan and the US.

    But some boxes came short out of pieces, so if you are missing something from the list contact consumer support and ask for them.

  • Hey guys,

    thanks alot - just what I needed! The smily was a mistake - it was supposed to say Russia have 10 tanks, and the others have 8…

    Hobbes: do you know which country the list is from?

    Thanks again…

  • @Brallervaerk:

    Hobbes: do you know which country the list is from?

    Thanks again…

    The list on the link has all the 5 countries

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