Previously, Carriers cost 14 and where a 1/2/2/14 unit that could carry two fighters
Now Carriers cost 18, take two hits, and I’m assuming are a 1/2/2/18 unit (with 2 hp) that can carry two fighter-type units
previously if you wished to go on the offensive, you would purchase a combination of submarines, carriers, and a full compliment of fighters for those carriers.
generally, you would attack with the subs and fighters (and perhaps other boats you started with), while leaving behind your valuable carriers)
now that carriers cost 4 more, and their extra hit point will not help on the offensive because you don’t attack with it, does this mean that the pacific just got even more defense oriented than it already was?
fighters and carriers both defend at better values than the attack with, and submarines project a proactive defense of 2 spaces away……
here are my two cents:
make the new carriers a 1/1/2/17 unit (with 2 hp) able to carry 2 fighter type units
remove the requirement that fighter-bombers be accompanied by a fighter or tank to get their full 4 attack power
and add escort carriers as a 0/0/2/9 unit (with 1 hp) able to carry just 1 fighter type unit
and make fighters cost 9
and fighter-bombers cost 10 and be a 4/3/4/10 unit, with no silly requirement to have a tank or normal fighter present to be that 4 attack (the extra cost by 1 ipc is enough of a nerf, don’t make me split my airforce in funny ways too)
[and as a side note, i think cruisers should remain at 12 ipcs, a 3/3/2/12 unit, without AA gun ability, but as a slight and small enough boost, they could either shore bombard at 4 instead of 3, OR they could be allowed to have their casualty shot when sunk by submarines, which would not be full anti sub capabilities, but just enough to make them worth their full 12]
that should spice up the pacific and make it less about large standoff fleets that never attack each other.
and it will provide the designers more options for representing the prewar navies
and the changes, especially the first two, are small and subtle enough to not require drastic changes in strategies