• @insanehoshi but what are we basing that on? I can’t find any rule that says so, nor anything that suggests it.

  • @gnomegrabbin First find a rule that states they are controlled when there is no civil war.

    Anything in section 13.1 Spanish Civil War can only occur within the confines of the Spanish Civil War, that includes control.

  • @insanehoshi I’m sorry, but they start the game as controlled. So you tell me why and when that status changes per the rule book please and thank you.and your reference about what’s in the SCW stays in the SCW doesn’t tell me anything / convince me.

  • @insanehoshi Table 4-1

  • @theveteran Yes, because the Spanish Civil War exists at the start of the game.

    @gnomegrabbin said in The FAQ Thread:

    table 4-1

    Is that the table that also says that they arnt controlled in the 1939 setup?

  • @insanehoshi ah, you are right, it does say 36 only. That does lend some weight to the argument. Certainly not enough, but some. Yet more reason for a clarification.

  • A question about blockades:

    Does an Island Nation such as the UK and Japan count as blocaded if their remaining naval facilities are damaged?

    Another map question, are the Bearing sea and Hudson Bay sea zones adjacent, specifically for flying units?

  • Geographically they are, but there is no written info that they connect, contrary to other land and sea zones. I don’t know what we should make of this.

  • @noneshallpass The FAQ says not.

  • Ok, time to get this thread rolling again.
    Some questions from Operation Skyhook:

    a) Must the money for upgrades (specifically SS upgrades) be set aside at the start of the turn to save of use for upgrades?
    I think yes due to 11.6.

    b) Do captured Major shipyards act as a minor shipyard?
    I think yes, from the analogy of factories.

    c) If the CCP of KMT attack the other, does it negate the truce?
    I think yes. Nonaggression is one of the provisions of the pact.

    d) Can the CCP and KMT resign the truce after it has been broken?
    No clue on this one.

    e) Can you take the militia from a recruitment roll and split them between two zones?
    If no, can the CCP do it?

    I think it is no, yes. See 11.5 and the CCP reference sheet.

    Other questions? Any answers?

  • @trig said in The FAQ Thread:

    a) Must the money for upgrades (specifically SS upgrades) be set aside at the start of the turn to save of use for upgrades?
    I think yes due to 11.6.

    No, you must declare and pay for the upgrade in advance and if you cannot place the upgrade at the end of your turn, it remains on the production chart (Rule 11.2). You cannot save IPPs then randomly decide to spend them on upgrades at the end of your turn.

    b) Do captured Major shipyards act as a minor shipyard?
    I think yes, from the analogy of factories.

    Since Rule 12.4 only refers to captured factories, I would not extend it to other facilites “by analogy”.

    c) If the CCP of KMT attack the other, does it negate the truce?
    I think yes. Nonaggression is one of the provisions of the pact.

    Obviously, this ends the truce.

    d) Can the CCP and KMT resign the truce after it has been broken?
    No clue on this one.

    Not explicitely covered by Rule 13.3, so I may be wrong but this feels like a one-time deal. Like to Molotov-Ribbentrop pact or the Japanese-Soviet non-aggression pact. Nothing prevents the players from not attacking each other once more, but they would lose the advantage of defending together and moving in the same territories.

    e) Can you take the militia from a recruitment roll and split them between two zones?
    If no, can the CCP do it?

    I think it is no, yes. See 11.5 and the CCP reference sheet.

    Rule 11.5 does say “place in a land zone” which suggests that it must be the same zone for both, while the CCP NRS does say “in any of those territories”, suggesting a possible split. Rule 13.3 for the SCW says “place in any land zone” and Rule 14.4.3 for Vichy says “can be placed in any Vichy possessed land zone”.

    Despite the inconsistencies in the wording, I have a feeling that all recruitment rolls were meant to be subject to the same rules. Well spotted. Definitely one for the FAQ.

  • '20 '16

    May advanced self-propelled artillery, and Katyushas, move one space, and then make an attrition attack on an adjacent territory? I dont see in the rules either that they may, or may not, move before performing an attrition attack.

    I’d think they could, but slow moving advanced artillery could not. What say you?

  • @captainnapalm interesting question. Since it seems to operate exactly as normal combat except that it happens in an adjacent zone and for one round only, I am inclined to believe both SPA and advanced artillery can move and then attrition attack.

  • A similar question was asked in a previous thread about attrition attacks and GHG answered that you cannot move the unit doing the attrition attack. No specific rule was quoted however.


  • @noneshallpass I would agree.

    While it does make logical sense, until its FAQ’d, no where in the rules say you can make a combat move to make an attrition attack, therefore it can’t be done.

  • @noneshallpass I have to agree with this. Sometimes you just have to let years of A&A gaming kick in and even though the rules say you can’t… it clearly does not say you CAN. I sort of rationalize these attrition attacks to a prepared position that has ample artillery ammunition and supplies to sustain what would have been a tremendous expenditure of ammunition. Now, you are asking for those artillery units to move an entire land zone, with the ammunition and then conduct a barrage. I think it’s either or., if you have SP artillery you can move 2 and then enter into combat with the other ground/air units. OR you can you sit in the land zone you are in and conduct an attrition attack on the adjacent land zone. Just my thinking… I don’t think the game creators had a vision of SP artillery or mobile infantry towed artillery moving 2 land zones and THEN attacking a land zone ( 3 land zones now ) from their original position? Do you?

  • @HBG-GW-Enthusiast
    The FAQ is up on two questions:

    Q: Are the Bering sea and Hudson Bay sea zones adjacent?

    A: No

    Q: Do Island Nations (Great Britain and Japan) count as blocaded if their remaining naval facilities are damaged?

    A: No.

  • @trig said in The FAQ Thread:

    Q: Do Island Nations (Great Britain and Japan) count as blockaded if their remaining naval facilities are damaged?

    A: No.

    This is an important clarification!

  • @trig regarding the militia question: from the FAQ -
    "can you place the two militia from a successful recruitment roll in two different land zones?
    A. yes

  • During German Lightning War, can they strategic rail move twice?

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