I like Italy, but the way you have incorporated Finland and Romania/Hungary is very unhistorical. all of norway the baltic states and greece were under direct germany control and this was also true for most of Yugoslavia. having obviously ahistorical rules in your game is just out of place. I like the idea of adding Finland and Romania but lets not put them on steroids.
I’ll agree that putting Norway and the Baltic States under Finnish rather than German control is . . . a bit of a stretch. I had three choices here:
- Give Finland one territory (itself) and one manpower point.
- Carve the map up into smaller pieces than I’d originally envisioned
- Stretch things a little to make Finland a little more important.
I chose option 3, at least for now. I’m open to suggestions on how to improve that aspect of it.
I’ll grant that most of Yugoslavia and Greece were under German control. However, Romania and Hungary were independent. “East Balkans” is my euphemism for Romania, and “West Balkans” means Hungary. If the map were carved into smaller pieces, then Germany could be given the Yugoslav and Greek portion of the Balkans, and Romania could be given the Romanian and Hungarian portions.
also i think the rule set would have a lot easeir time of catching on if it had a different start date. the beuty about a spring 1940 start is that you have avoided all the scripted and boring moves of 1939, but it is still early in the war. Also if your going to go through the trouble of changing all the ipc values and adding new resources to the game, you might aswell add some new territories and France
I hope that people make a lot of mods for this game. Different maps. Different techs. Additional nations (such as France). Modifications to existing techs and existing units. New units.
For example, someone could throw in a torpedo bomber: a plane that’s better against naval targets than a fighter bomber would be, but less good against land targets. Or a medium bomber: kind of a hybrid between a fighter bomber and a strategic bomber.
I have the feeling that whatever default version of the game I create will not necessarily be the best possible mod.
To address your specific suggestion–I’ve played an Axis and Allies variant which includes France. It’s an excellent variant, but adding in France doesn’t help that much. Germany has to take it quickly, because otherwise it’s doomed in the long struggle against the economic might of the Allies. Taking Paris very early on has become a routine German move. My map treats France as a single territory, so the battle of France would be considerably less interesting than the variant I’ve played. Considering all the economic strength I’ve given the U.S. and U.S.S.R., Germany’s need to quickly conquer France would be at least as great as is the case in the variant I’ve played.
But while I don’t see a way around these problems–at least not now–someone who puts enough time and thought into creating a good 1940 scenario might. If you want to develop a scenario with France, don’t let me stand in your way. I can’t possibly think of every viable mod, and I love the idea of other people experimenting with the basic rules concepts to create things I hadn’t thought of.