• The Aussies already stated it for their last census. That was fun, with the officals saying it would be illegal to mark Jedi as your religion, and still 70,000 people marking it.

    Have a look at:

  • lol speaking of religion, I hope every one of you has seen Dogma :D (yes, I know I bring up movies all the time… lol I do it when i’m talking to anyone, I love movies!)

    "Chris…my bf just broke up with me :cry: "

    me: “you need to go reservoir dogs on his ass! chop off his ear! or have u seen The Shawshank Redemption? if he’s cheating on you, you go shoot him and his f*ckin lover! :x” :wink:

  • '19 Moderator

    That’s pretty good, In the military they reissue dogtags periodicaly. I started along time ago to change my religious preference on my dog tags.

    I have:
    NO REL PREF - My first set
    CATHOLIC - Had the longest service in Basic Training so I changed
    BAPTIST - I got bored
    MORMON - Begining to get creative
    NON DENOM - I asked for SHEITE I guess that was too creative
    MUSLIM - Simplified it and it worked

    I will be getting a new set soon I will have to see if I can get JEDI

  • Submariner’s never get dogtags. They’re not implosion proof like us…

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