• Customizer

    Pripet should be impassable for all but infantry. Beyond dispute there were areas where armour or heavy artillery could not effectively operate, and further types of terrain where they had a distinct disadvantage versus infantry (e.g. mountainous areas.)
    I believe there is room in A&A for 3 or 4 basic terrain types with different effects; after all planning an invasion of France should be very different from landing in Norway.
    Even the simplest wargames have lowland and highlan/difficult terrain, which can have a profound effect on strategy. In a game supposedly set in the real world it’s yet another factor that, properly implemented yet with simple rules, could help produce a playout that feels more like real events.

    Note that I make Turkey in Asia and in Europe one territory, controlling passage through the straits. Likewise Panama and Egypt; don’t know why they insist on Trans-Jordan co-controlling Suez.

    Thinking about compiling a list of potential “partisan areas”, e.g. Alpine Redoubt (German Werewolves), Balkans (Yugoslavs), Rocky Mountains, Scottish Highlands etc, but probably only the Soviet/Pripet combination represents something likeley to have a measurable effect at the level of A&A.

  • Ok it is rigth and interesting.

    However, I think that they are too much details for a light wargame like A&A.
    There are a lot of things that are different from the real world and from the real History in A&A.
    Simply I do not feel the needs for them i nthe basic rules set. Thay could be fine house rules.

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