@Witt Yeah NA so far behind you
The Official "Looking for AA50 Opponents" Thread
Looking for a game of AA50-42, +Tech +NO, no bid. Abattlemap, Roll for sides.
I’m game if you’re still available… if so choose side or roll and start the thread
Roll for Axis
Even: EM
Odd: Battlingmaxo
Rolling 1d6:
(5)You have Axis, Japan goes first.
Ok I’ll post a little later
Newer player looking for a game of AA50 42, NO’s yes, no tech.
Am willing to play as either Axis or Allies.
using ABattlemap -
I’ll play against you Scottish Claymores. Although if you intend to use your namesake, this could be easy for me :-P
I don’t care for sides, but I’ll take the Allies. Post Japan whenever you’re ready!
Thanks cts17. I appreciate the game. I’ll post as soon as I can.
If I mess anything up with procedures/map/etc please let me know. I am in the middle of my first game, so really am new to this.
Happy hunting with the Allies. -
anyone for aa50? not picky , sides or tech, prefer NO’s on.
anyone for aa50? not picky , sides or tech, prefer NO’s on.
I’d like to play.
Would like to work either my allied strategy in the 41 scenario, or any side in the 42 scenario (but I did not really played this one for the moment, so I may not be very good).
I want NO’s too. For tech, I would say yes but can play without
What would you prefer ?
you bet yoshi. how about 41, tech, NOs on. you can be allies. if all goes well we can try a 42 when we finish. sound good?
Sounds good :)
I let you start Germany then
Looking for AA50 game 41 or 42. I prefer no tech game with NOs. I can also play using Triple A if you prefer.
I’m up for it bdenn!
W/e you want. Make a post soon!
Looking for another game. AA50-42 +Tech +NO Abattlemap, no bid, choose or roll sides.
Looking for my first AA50 game '42. No-tech game with NOs., Dard closed, Abattlemap. I would like to try Allies.
Hehe - Sounds good - fire away when ready…
Me complain… nope this game is nuthin bun fun - It might take me a bit to get used to keeping track of the No’s -
Looking for a first AA50-42 game +NO, Tech or not, Abattlemap, no bid, no other options. For a first game, I would better try the axis.
I know A&A quite well (Revised or 41 mainly), just not tested the 42 scenario for the moment (just two games with friends).
I will start J1 in some hours. Do we play tech or not ?
Game is here, with tech so.
For other options, I have to admit that I believe the +1 / +2 for increased factory production is better, but for a first game, I prefere to play on basic rules to learn the setup.
Looking for a game of 41 or 42 using ABattlemap. Yes-NO’s, prefer not to play with tech as I am newer to the game. Wouldn’t mind using either axis or allies, or we can roll for sides.
Looking for a game of 41 or 42 using ABattlemap. Yes-NO’s, prefer not to play with tech as I am newer to the game. Wouldn’t mind using either axis or allies, or we can roll for sides.
i would like to play. i will pm you.
Anyone willing to play with a new player out there? Or any new player willing to play with another new player?