One thing I thought I would mention, when you look at the rifle the outline is similar to the AK, bu tup close it apears and is much more technical. Like with most German designs from that time. Also when you pick it up you notice a big difference It’s suprisingly heavy, I would say twice the weight of a modern military rifle. Definately a solid steel weapon.
I went to a WW2 re-enactment and held one too. It is heavy when compared to an M16. It made me think of how the Nam soldiers thought the M16 was a toy gun because it was made out of plastic. If you were used to carrying around something that heavy and solid I can see why you would think that.
I have posted before about this weapon, and will state my opinion again. WW2 geeks like us like to speculate about “which weapon would have won Germany the wary”. Not counting the atomic bomb, this is the weapon. Jets, rockets, and big tanks may be sexy; but at leasting doubling the combat capacity of every soldier is a war winner. The USSR would have surrendered in 1941 IMO, and that would have pretty much ended the war.
Luckily Hitler went for flashy instead of practical. Big expensive King Tigers, and even the Me-262 (which were effective, but not a war winner) is what he wanted. You give every soldier a sturmgewr, and throw in some night goggles (the Germans had developed those too) and that wins Germany the war.
Other than the A-bomb Germany dominated technology during the war. I think the 88 is an amazing piece of equipment. It started, and ended the war being the most dominant artillery piece on the battlefield. That says a lot when you consider many countries started the war using bi-planes, and Germany ended it with Jets; and us with the atomic bomb.