• We are using the map exclusively and find the additional territories and sz’s great for expanded strategies.  Expect a longer game but that’s fine with us.  Not too many games under our belt.  We have converted the map to 1939 (don’t know how to change the colors so we are just using markers- if you tell me what program to use ill convert it to a 1939 map and share).

    Only draw back to the map we see is the country size of Europe.  We have blown up the map to 5" X 2.5" and its still tight with 15mm pieces.  We have had to use individually blowen up sections off map to play or use a lot of placement counters.  Would rather see Europe larger and playable than geographicall correct.

    Still, best board out their in our groups opinion.

  • What program can I edit the map with?  Would like to make a 1939 version but can’t use CS2.  All I want to do is recolor some of the territories.  I’ve also added unit icons for set up to existing map.

    Be happy to share once completed.

  • Finally played this map.  This is the first time we’ve played with something other than the supplied boards.  It’s been a long time since our group played A&A together, so this first game was a little rough (1 guy hadn’t played since the Milton Bradley days…).  Needless to say, I left Neutrals out of this game altogether.  But once we got rolling, everybody enjoyed the breadth of gameplay the map offers.

    Axis won - but I think this had more to do with a long hiatis for the Allied players than game imbalance.  Japan rocked in the 1st round - hurting China and US Pacific fleet - and taking Manila and Hong Kong.  Germany also had a stong 1st round against Russia - managing to take Leningrad and hold for the game - and the U-boats did some work in the Atlantic.  I must say, as it was our first time, Italy was fun to play.  Their navy managed to link up with German ships and this put the UK on the defensive the whole game.

    Allies managed to clear Axis from Africa (one Allied player always tries to follow the history books - bad strategy :-)) and UK Pacific (Australian and Indian forces) brought Japan back down to earth with some amazing rolls.

    In summary, our comments are similar to oldsalty - Europe map density is tough given the amount of action.  We also used some blow ups to “clean up” the board.  Only other comments would be to use a dotted line rather than a solid line for sea zone borders to give the board a little softer feel and different shade of orange for Japan - but not major issues that affect playability.  Its a great map and offers the opportunity to add any special rules along the way (To this point I have prepared a version of the set up sheets which include Cruiser, Fortification and Mechanized Infanty units - I can list in another post if interested…).

    So if you’re wondering - yes - it’s worth the cost to print…even our Milton Bradley guy was considering getting one made and getting back into regular playing mode!

    Again - thanks for the efforts.

  • Monroe:

    I would like to see a copy of your set up charts.

    We are using AARHE rules and set ups with this map - with the map converted to a 1939 layout.  So, far, the combination kicks a**.

  • oldsalty,

    I used the same set up charts prepared by Deaths Head and added set up ideas for the Cruiser, Mechanized Infantry and Fortification units. It’s really just a small addition to his version.

    The stats and set up location for these additional units are largely based on a number of posts from the contributors of this great site - so I don’t expect any karma points for being original.  :-D

    Basically, the idea was to add a few additonal “impact” units to the already great base that has been established here without messing up game balance or playability.

    In summary:

    Cost - 15 IPC
    Move - 3
    Attack - 4*/3 (*Attacks on a “4” during 1st round of combat); (no shore bombardment capability - leave that for the Battleship)
    Defend - 3
    Still only 1 hit to destroy
    So the Cruiser adds some addiotnal 1st round firepower with extended movement vs. other naval units.

    As a result of adding the Cruiser unit, I modified the Destroyer unit:
    Cost - 10 IPC
    Move - 2
    Attack - 2
    Defend - 2
    So the Destroyer becomes a little more cost effective and offer submarine detection capabilites as always.

    Mechanized Infantry:
    Cost - 4 IPC
    Move - 2
    Attack - 2
    Defend - 3
    Can transport 1 Infantory or 1 Artillery

    Cost: 6 IPC
    Move: -
    Attack: -
    Defend: 3
    Two key benefits for this unit:

    1. Roll 2 dice at 3 or less per Fortification during 1st round of Amphibious Assault against attacking land units
    2. For each Fortification, increase 1 infantry defense to “3”
      Other rules:
      This unit cannot be destroyed and can be taken over and used if the terrirtory is taken by the enemy.
      Stacking is allowed up to the respective IPC of the territory

    I recreated the set up charts using MS Excel/Powerpoint (2007 version), but file size is ~60MB, so I’ll convert to a lighter format (like PDF) and post later/tomorrow.  Again, style is same as Deaths Head with unit set up for added for the units listed above.

  • Monroe:

    Gave you a karma anyway for the great response.  Actually tried to give you 2 but it would not let me.  :-)

    Not sure if you are aware, but you can post larger files at:  http://www.mediafire.com/about.php

    Good stuff.  Have you done any additions to the map?  I want to change a few territory colors to create a 1939 map but can’t find a program to do it?  Any ideas?

  • oldsalty,

    Thanks for the vote!

    A PDF version of the set up charts I mentioned should be available at the link below.  I had trouble uploading the Powerpoint version, but will try again so that people who have Powerpoint can easily edit the charts to their preference.


    Essentially, I left the same set up from Deaths Head version and simply added set up for the new units, Mech Inf/Cruiser/Fortification.  Only other changes were to modify destroyer stats, remove Industrial Complex from Hawaii (per previous Deaths Head post) and added Gibraltar (I have a typo on the chart…) set up for Fortification unit (probably should have added 1 Infantry as well…).  I know the rule ideas can sometimes get deep for additonal units, but the premise here was to add to the base game without adding too many complexities…KISS method…

    I am using the following pieces to represent these units:

    Cruiser: Guadalcanal cruisers for Japan and US / Table Tactics WWI Central Powers cruisers for other countries (colors match, so no painting needed)
    Mech Inf: Bulge trucks for Germany and US / Table Tactics WWI Central Powers half tracks for other countries (colors match, so no painting needed)
    Fortification: Did not use the D-day blockhouse.  Instead I went with the Table Tactics WWI Central Powers Machine Gun unit for all nations (again, colors match…)

    I have all versions of A&A, including old MB version as well as Xeno and The War Game, but these pieces seemed to work best.

    I have not play tested this set up yet, so TBD on whether it balances out…

    Regarding the map, I have not made any changes.  My version was a PDF file, so I could not make any real changes to this file.  I think people have tried to track down an “editable” version so they can use programs like Illustrator, but I’m not too familiar with how the hardcore map making/editing process works.  But I agree that a 1939 version would be great.

    Let me know your thoughts on the charts and set up.

  • Monroe:

    :-D I used the same background for my set ups.  I am using AARHE rules and set ups with this map, which I converted to 1939.  Still play testing.  Because of significant changes in IPCs between the two game boards and game set ups, I’ve had to change a lot of IPCs on the map.  Still working on China.  Had to text in “Neutrals” because I could not change color without making it look like a three year old’s coloring book.

    If you want to take a look here is my link.  Any comments welcomed.

    I’ve added the set ups as well, although the back ground is still work in progress.  I think I’m going to basically do what you did.

    What are you doing for neutral set ups?


    another + for your efforts

  • Moderator

    I am really happy to see people taking this Map on. Makes Me feel like I didn’t waste Hours upon Hours making the map and Playtesting it.

    I would wait on Making your Cruisers since the Anniversary Edition will include them.  :evil:

  • DH:

    What program did you use to make the map?  The ONLY changes I would want to make to the map is change the colors of some of the territories to convert it to a 1939 version.

    I also thought of doing a couple of blow-up territories along the top edge for off map play of some of the more crowded countries.)

    Pls let me know how to ungroup or edit the map or what program to use!  I’ve tried a couple ( adobe cs2 and an ms program.  Neither would open to allow editing other than over lay objects on top.)

  • Moderator

    Thats How I made this Map

    Just Keep Making layers  and Putting them on top.

    You would have to ask positronica what the origainal Program Used was.  Lots of Stamping Colors

  • For those of you who play the “Deaths Head” variant, I posted a variant version which incorporates Minor Axis and Allied powers.

    You can check it our under the “House Rules” topic and under “Minor Axis and Allied Powers”.

    There’s a link to a revised set up whic includes:

    Axis: Finland, Vichy France, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary

    Allied: Free French, Australian, Indian, Canadian forces broken out as separate powers.

    I added IPC updates and a samll rules variant for these powers.

    (This version also includes Cruiser, Fortification and Mech Infantry set up).

    Essentially, it’s Deaths Head’s set up with tweaks to allow these minor powers to have some game savvy.

    Check it out and please feel free to provide feedback (I’m just beginning play test myself - so rules feedback/set up/etc. is welcome)

  • DH,

    Just found your version of the map, and I remember when Positronica started that.  Great job on taking it and running, looks beautiful.

  • Moderator

    Thanks, As you can probably tell it has been a reALLY LONG TIME SINCE BEING ON THIS Site.

    To everyone who invested time and $, Thank you.

    Enjoy, I honestly do not have alot of time right now to work a little more on the map.

    Have a Happy New Year


  • Moderator

    This Map File Has been Downloaded 403 times. Wow,

    I didn’t realize that many hits were made.  Last time I checked, it was still in the 50’s.

    Ok, If you would Like to Make a List of still exhisting mistakes I will see what I can do for you.

    Since a '39 varient is wanted I make that  also.  It will come as a Overlay to the exhisting Map.  I use Plexi glass over all my boards. so after france Falls I just slide out the French Overlay. And if D-Day is Succesful, we can slide right bak Under with having to move a single piece.

  • Moderator

    Just a Bump

  • Moderator

    another bump

  • Fans of the Death’s Head Map –> I copied this post I made in the House Rules section.


    Long time since my last post on this thread…

    I have run 5 games using the Minor Axis and Allied Powers rules posted earlier in this thread; all played on the “Deaths Head” map.

    Overall, the rules work and playability is very good.  The addition of these minor powers defiently adds a nice layer of strategy without burying you in rules or adding too many additonal hours to game time.

    After running these 5 games, I have made several refinements.  The set up charts worked fine - balance was good - so no changes to my previous post on unit set up.  I did revise Mech Infanty/ Cruiser stats and revide unit costs to AA50 levels.  Listed below are the latest version of the rules.

    I highly recomend giving them a try.


    • Use AA50 rules and unit costs

    • Use China rules per AA50

    • Use SBR - Factory Damage rules per AA50

    • Use CAP rules per AAP

    • Use Naval Base, Air Base and Convoy Rules per AAP/AAE

    • Use 1D6 Damage Repair rules for Battleships: Adjacent to Industrial Complex or Naval Base

    • Use “Dog Fight” rules for aircraft in land battles

    • Use Escort Fighters @ 1 / Defending Fighters @ 2 for SBR per AAE


    • Minor Axis Powers: Vichy France, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria

    • Minor Allied Powers: Canada, India, Australia, Free French


    • German player controls Minor Axis powers
    • Separate player controls Minor Allied Powers or UK player controls Minor Allied powers

    UNITS TO REPRESENT Minor Axis/Allies Powers:

    • Minor Axis - I used sculpts from The War Game.  This was perfect because they are all german units types and they have multiple colors (White - Finland; Tan - Bulgaria; Gray - Vichy France; Yellow - Bulgaria; Brown - Romania) to cover the Minor Axis powers.  You could also use Xeno (they mass produced the Gemran infantry in a ton of colors); MB version of AA; or a few cans of spray paint.

    • Minor Allies - Light Blue spray paint on UK scuplts for Free French.  I used green UK scuplts from AAR for India and the yellow/tan AAE UK units for Australia.  I used the standard AA50 units for the UK.  Canada used UK units with a UK roundel underneth to identify them (I will eventually spay paint each Minor Allie a distinct color).  Again, this kpt all Minor Allied units in the UK sculpt family which worked nicely.


    • Mechanized Infantry Cost: 4 / Att: 2 (3 if supported by Art) / Def: 2 / Move: 2
    • Fortification: Cost:6; Intial 2D6 at 3 or less.  Makes Infantry defend at 3 (1:1 respectively).  Cannot be destroyed - but can be taken over by enemy.


    Germany and Minor Axis operate during the same turn.  UK and Minor Allies operate during the same turn.

    1. Germany/Minor Axis
    2. Soviet Union
    3. Japan
    4. UK/Minor Allies
    5. Italy
    6. USA/China


    • Germany receives posted IPC value for each Minor Axis territory (as in standard game play); provided it has not been conquered by an Allied army.

    • Germany is not required to have any units in these territories to collect the IPC value (as in standard game play)

    • If the Minor Axis territory is conquered by an Allied army, Germany no longer collects this income value (as in standard game play).

    • If Finland, Hungary, Romania or Bulgaria are conquered by an Allied power, these Minor Axis powers no longer have the ability to collect their IPCs or field military units, regardless of whether these territories are retaken by the Axis.  If these “home countries” are taken any units they have in other territories are removed from play.

    • Minor Axis powers collect a fixed IPC amount at the end of their turn, regardless of whether they conquered any Allied territories:  Vichy France - 3IPC; Finland - 3 IPC, Romania - 6 IPC, Hungary - 4 IPC, Bulgaria 4 IPC

    • Increase in IPC value for territories conquered by Minor Axis powers are applied to Germany only.  This is true whether the Minor Axis power conquered the territory by itself or in conjunction
      with German units.

    • Minor Axis IPCs cannot be shared with other Minor Axis powers or with Germany.  If a Minor Axis power is conquered by an Allied power, the Allied power receives wahtever IPCs that Minor Axis power has.

    • Minor Axis powers must always leave at least 1 unit in their capital nation at the end of their turn.  In the case of Vichy France, this includes the territories labeled Vichy France and Tunisia.

    • Finland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria must always have a direct supply line back to their home nation at the end of their turn.  This rule does not apply to Vichy France.

    • Some units are not eligible for purchase by Minor Axis powers as noted in the set up charts (blacked out).  Minor Axis powers cannot build Industrial Complexes.

    • New units for Finland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria are always placed in the Minor Axis Power’s home country.  New units for Vichy France can be placed in Vichy France or Tunisia.

    • Vichy French units may only defend, they may never attack.  Vichy French units can move to other Vichy occupied territories (Vichy France; Tunisia, Morocco, Northern Algeria, Algeria; West Africa and French West Africa).  German and Italian forces can pass through/end movement Vichy territories in North Africa.  German forces can pass through/end movement in Vichy France in mainland Europe.

    • Allied Force may not pass through Vichy territries withoout attacking.  The exception is for naval unit movement as outlined in AA50 rules (sub/transports).

    • If North Africa is cleared of Axis forces (German/Italian), any remianing Vichy French units (including naval units) in Africa become Free French Units and are now contolled by the UK player.


    • Minor Allied powers operate as stand alone nations.  They can build all unit types, including ICs.

    • The IPCs for UK, Canada, Australia and India must be managed individually.  UK - 46 IPCs; India - 17 IPCs; Australia - 10 IPCs; Canada - 4 IPCs; Free French - 0 IPCs (Free French collect no income).

    • Industrial Complex in Calcutta (India) and New South Wales (Australia) are permitted a maximum placement of 4 new units (as opposed to labeled IPC value limit).  Industrial Complex in Quebec (Canada) is permitted a maximum of 2 new units (as opposed to labeled IPC value limit).

    • Except for the Convoy IPC sharing listed below, the IPCs must be used by their respective nation.  IPCs cannot be shared between UK and Minor Allied powers or amongst Minor Allied powers.

    • The 9 IPCs linked to the (4) British convoys located in the Indian and Pacific oceans can be allocated to either India or Australia as deemed by the UK player. The 3 IPCs
      linked to the British Convoy located near New Foundland can be allocated to Canada as deemed by the UK player.  The UK player can make this decision at the end of each round, during
      the Collect Income phase.

    • During the Mobilize New Unit phase, the UK player may place up to 2 units each in Calcutta (India) and New South Wales (Australia) and 1 unit in Quebec (Canada).  This is in addition to the amount permitted by India, Australia and Canada noted above.

    • If a single Minor Alllied power attacks and conquers an Axis territory, then the IPCs are applied directly to that Minor Allied power.  When an attack against an Axis territory is conducted by multiple Minor Allied forces, the UK player must announce during the combat move phase which Minor Allied power is the “lead” attacker.  This “lead” attacker receives the IPCs if the attack is successful and the territory is conquered.

    • Free French collect no income.  Any conquests by Free French troops are added to the UK players IPC value.

    • Each time Western France, France or Vichy France are liberated by an Allied nation and held for 1 complete round, place 2 Infantry as Free French Units in that territory during the UK player’s non-combat movement phase.

    • Mid-East Oil: Trans-Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Tehran and Iran represent allied controlled oil reserves.  If the Germany or Minor Axis forces take these territoires, the IPCs are paid to Germany from the Allies directly.  If Italian forces take these territories, the IPCs are paid to Italy from the Allies directly.  The allies can choose who pays the IPCs (either UK, Minor Allies or U.S., not Soveit Union).

    • Russian Oil: Caucasus represent Russian controlled oil reserves.  If the Axis forces take this territory, the IPCs are paid to Germany (or Italy) for Russia directly.

    Image of Deaths Head Map (Assuming I posted it properly…):

    Link to MS Excel version Set Up Charts, IPC Chart and Rules:


  • Moderator

    Nice job Monroe. It’s nice to see someone take this to the next level.

    I am concerned only about one thing, and that is the increase the allies have in Production at their non Capital IC’s in Canada, India and Calcutta. I feel that those increases may be a bit much. If I read your post correctly, for example, Calcutta can Produce 4 Indian Inf. and the UK can also add 2 more, for a total of 6 new units max. produced each turn from that indian IC. I feel that is a lot of production for a country whose Industrial might is that of a Mouse. Same goes with Canada and Australia. The Industrial capacity of these Nations realistically is not that High. With your new production totals Canada can Now produce 4 New Naval Units a Turn from Quebec. There is No way Canada Had that kind of Ship Building Capacity in WWII.

    With these big increases in production, I feel the Allies WILL win 99.9% of the time. It is to easy for them to put up substantial Defenses in remote regions of the world.

    I do not own  the AA50 editions so I can not comment on those changes, but I am sure they will work out fine, if not enhance the game even more.

  • Thanks Deaths Head.

    In 5 games its 3-2 in favor of the Allies.  One of the limiting factors in too much build up on any 1 turn was IPC level (Canada only 4 and Austalia only 10).  But when I consider the 5 games played, I think you make a good point - these remote regions gave the Axis a tough go everytime.

    I have another game coming up this week and will try the following modification:

    India/Calcutta: 3 Unit max placement (per map posting)
    Australia/New South Wales: 2 Unit max placement (per map posting)
    Canada/Quebec: 1 Unit max placement (per map posting)

    In addition, the UK player may place 1 unit of their choice on one of the 3 minor powers per turn.

    So this scales back the remote regions direct build capability and the UKs ability to “aid” that Minor Power.

    I’ll give some feedback afterwords.

    If you end up playing a game with these rules, please post futher thoughts.

    Also, I’m trying to get the set up charts designed on a background similar to your original version (which looked awesome) by my skills in this area are weak :oops:.  If you happen make similar set up charts for this version one day, please post  :-D


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