@turf said in War at Sea Naval Minis for Sale:
@djensen Never hurts to ask, right?
depends what you’re asking lol
jk :)
I have a large list of wants and small list of haves if you don’t mind, but if you can help me chip away at this huge list, I’d be really appreciative. All of my offers are mint, in the individual bags, or in the case of War at Sea, in the protective plastic they come with. Also, all of the minis come with the stat cards. I don’t mind if you send me minis that are not in the bag, just as long as the card is in mint condition and sent too. I know that my Wants list is so much longer, but hopefully that will change as I get more into the game. Also, I realize I’m new at trading on this site, but I’ve been trading other kinds of minis HERE. If you scroll down you’ll see plenty of references and positive feedback. Let me know if anything here interests you. Thanks.
27 Disciplined Spotter
25 Resourceful Hero
3 French Resistance Fighters
18 M20 75mm Recoilless Rifle x2
32 Volkssturm Infantrymen x4
33 Werwolf Partisans x3
39 Azad Hind Fauj Infantrymen
42 Type 97 Antitank Rifle x3
29 Panzerjager Bren 731(e)
38 Stalwart Hero
45 Headquarters
24 Elefant
Base Set
5 Mosin-Nagant 1891/30 x8
14 SMLE No. 4 Rifle x7
18 M1 Garand Rifle x8
23 Marines M2-2 Flamethrower
24 Mortar M2 x3
27 Light Mortar x3 (3 incoming ivanhoe)
28 Mauser Kar 98K x16 (4 incoming ivanhoe, 6 incoming blutsteigen)
33 Panzerfaust 30 x3 (2 incoming ivanhoe)
39 SS Panzergrenadier x3
42 Fucile Modello 1891 x3
43 47mm Type 1 ATG
44 Arisaka Rifle x9
46 Type 89 Mortar x3
3 Commissar x3
10 Humber Scout Cars x6 (1 incoming armchair general)
11 Inspiring Lieutenant x2
15 Vickers MG Team x4 (1 incoming armchair general)
17 Jeep
21 M4A1 Sherman x14
25 “Red Devil” Captain x4 (1 incoming armchair general, 2 incoming eBay, 1 incoming blutsteigen)
32 Panzer IV Ausf. G x9 (1 incoming blutsteigen)
34 Sd Kfz 222 x2 (1 incoming eBay)
35 Sd Kfz 251 x11
37 SS Haupsturmfuhrer x5 (2 incoming armchair general, 2 incoming ivanhoe, 1 incoming blutsteigen)
45 Imperial Sergeant x3 (1 incoming armchair general, 2 incoming blutsteigen)
2 Renault R-35
6 T-34/76 x11
9 Crusader II x4
19 M18 Hellcat x4
22 M4A3E8 Sherman “Easy Eight”
38 SS Panther Ausf. G
40 Tiger I x4
41 Carro Armato M13/40
48 Type 95 Ha-Go x3
Set II
3 Kuomintang Rifleman x9
11 PPSh-41 SMG x9
14 ZIS-2 57mm Model 1943 (incoming armchair general)
20 BAR Gunner x6
31 Panzergrenadier (incoming ivanhoe)
34 Wehrmacht Expert Sniper
36 Blackshirts x3
37 Imperial Sniper (incoming armchair general)
44 Antitank Grenadier
1 Kuomintang Machine Gun Team
13 T-70 Model 1942 x5
22 M5 Half-Track
23 Screaming Eagle Captain (incoming armchair general)
24 Screaming Eagle Paratroopers x2
30 Panzer III Ausf. F x4
35 Wehrmacht Oberleutnant
38 SNLF Captain (incoming armchair general)
9 Guards T-34/85 x3
10 IS-2 Model 1944 x2
21 M24 Chaffee
25 Veteran M4 Sherman “Rhino” x2
32 SS Panzer IV Ausf. F2 x3
42 Type 97 Chi-Ha x3
Contested Skies
11 Soviet Grenadiers x2
16 Gurkha Riflemen x3
23 Marine Riflemen x3
36 SS Stormtroopers x2
14 40mm Bofors L60
17 Universal Carrier x2
28 Elite Panzer IV Ausf. D
35 Sd Kfz 234/2 “Puma”
39 Stalwart Lieutenant (incoming armchair general)
45 Vigilant Lieutenant
3 Char B1-BIS x4
6 BM-13 Katyusha Rocket Launcher
20 M26 Pershing
21 M36 MGC
22 M4A3 (105) Sherman x2
29 Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind x2
30 Jagdpanzer IV/48
33 Messerschmitt Bf109E
43 Type 89A Chi-Ro
1 Canadian Infantrymen
8 Bren Machine Gunner x2
42 Barbed Wire x4
43 Minefield x6 (2 incoming ivanhoe)
6 Hero of the Soviet Union
7 SU-76M x6
30 Grizzled Veteran x2
33 Marder II x2 (1 incoming armchair general, 1 incoming ivanhoe)
40 L3/35 x4
3 Sherman DD
5 Somua S-35 x4
12 Hawker Typhoon x2
15 Sherman VC Firefly x4
16 Supermarine Spitfire Mk. I
17 Amtrack
20 Lockheed P-38G Lightning
24 M7 105mm Priest
26 88mm Flak 36 x3
34 Messerschmitt ME 110
38 Veteran Tiger x4
37 Turan I
8 BT-7
10 IS-3
12 SU-152 x2
26 Messerschmitt Me 262
28 Panther Ausf. D x2
4 SMLE No. 4 Rifle x7
8 Canadian Infantrymen
21 Mosin-Nagant 1891/30 x8
28 M1 Garand Rifle x8
41 Mauser Kar 98K x16 (4 incoming ivanhoe, 6 incoming blutsteigen)
44 Panzerfaust 30 x3 (2 incoming ivanhoe)
52 Fucile Modello 1891 x3
54 Arisaka Rifle x9
57 Type 89 Mortar x4
2 Humber Scout Car x7 (1 incoming armchair general)
3 Inspiring Lieutenant x3
7 Vickers MG Team x4 (incoming armchair general)
14 Renault R-35
17 Commissar x3
24 T-34/76 x11
25 T-70 Model 1942 x5
26 ZIS-2 57mm Model 1943 x2 (1 incoming armchair general)
32 M4A1 Sherman x14
34 M5 Half-Track
37 “Red Devil” Captain x4 (1 incoming armchair general, 2 incoming eBay, 1 incoming blutsteigen)
45 Sd Kfz 251 x12
47 SS Haupsturmfuhrer x5 (2 incoming armchair general, 2 incoming ivanhoe, 1 incoming blutsteigen)
51 Carro Armato M13/40
53 Stalwart Lieutenant x2 (1 incoming armchair general)
56 SNLF Captain x2 (1 incoming armchair general)
59 Type 95 Ha-Go x4
5 Supermarine Spitfire Mk. I
6 Valentine I
10 Sherman VC 17-Pounder
11 Char B1-BIS x3
15 Somua S-35 x4
19 IS-2 Model 1944 x3
20 KV-1
22 SU-85
23 T-26B
29 M18 GMC
30 M26 Pershing
31 M3 Light Tank
33 M4A3 (105) Sherman x2
35 P-51D Mustang
39 Junkers JU 87G Stuka
40 King Tiger
43 Panzer III Ausf. F x4
49 Sturmpanzer IV “Brummbär”
50 Tiger I x5
55 Mitsubishi A6M Zero (incoming blutsteigen)
North Africa
2 Owen SMG
5 Greek Soldier x3 (2 incoming blutsteigen)
10 2-Pounder Antitank Gun (1 incoming armchair general, 1 incoming eBay)
12 Bren Machine Gunner x2
19 Sten SMG
28 M8 75mm Pack Howitzer
31 7.5cm lelG18 (1 incoming armchair general)
50 47/32 Antitank Gun
1 Australian Officer
3 French Alpine Troop
4 Greek Officer
6 Maxim M1910 MG
15 M3 Stuart
17 Morris Reconnaissance Car Mk. 2
22 CCKW 352
25 M1919 MG
27 M5 Half-Track x2
33 Kubelwagen V
36 Opel Blitz 3 Ton
39 Panzerspahwagen P204 (f)
42 Sd Kfz 251 x12
45 Veteran Fallschirmjager
51 Autoblinda AB41
52 Breda Modello 30 LMG
53 Breda Modello 37 x2
55 Italian Alpine Troop
7 SU-122
8 T-34/76 Commander
11 Bedford QL 3 Ton
13 Crusader II x5
14 Grant I
16 Matilda II
18 Spitfire Ace
23 Early M4A1 Sherman
24 M-10
26 M4A1 Sherman Commander
29 P-40 Tomahawk
32 88mm Flak 36 x3
34 Messerschmitt Ace
37 Panzer IV Ausf. E
38 Panzer IV Ausf. H Commander
43 Sd Kfz 7/1
46 Veteran Panzer III Ausf. L
47 Veteran Tiger x4
49 Wespe
57 Macchi C.202 Folgore
58 Semovente 75/18
59 Semovente 90/53
Eastern Front 1941-1945
20 PPSh-41 SMG x9
48 SS-Panzergrenadier x3
8 Jeep
25 T-70 Model 1942 x5
50 Wehrmacht Oberleutnant
1 Ram Kangaroo
4 Churchill IV
6 Sherman VC Firefly x4
9 M12 GMC
10 M3A5 Lee
19 KV-85
32 88 w/Gun Shield
34 Hummel
40 Panther Ausf. A
43 Panzer IV Ausf. G x9 (1 incoming blutsteigen)
47 SS-Jagdpanther
49 Tiger I x4
59 T-4 Medium Tank
War At Sea
5 Richelieu
8 HMS Exeter
9 HMS Hood
27 USS Iowa (BB 61)
29 USS Salt Lake City (CA 25)
35 Bismarck
40 Scharnhorst
61 Tone
Task Force
7 Hr. Ms. Van Galen
20 TBF Avenger
26 USS Laffey (DD 724)
55 Isokaze
10 Halifax GR Mk. V
13 HMS Jamaica
18 B-25H Mitchell
23 USS Cleveland (CL 55)
4 Dunkerque
12 HMS Illustrious
16 HMS Warspite
27 USS Massachusetts (BB 59)
28 USS Missouri (BB 63)
29 USS San Francisco (CA 38)
30 USS Yorktown (CV 5)
31 USS Saratoga (CV 3)
32 Admiral Hipper
33 Admiral Scheer
48 Zara
56 Musashi
57 Nachi
59 Yamashiro
i have got some panzerfaust 30’s and cromwell’s, i’m looking for some royal engineers, 1 or 2 haupsturmfuhrer’s and the m5 half track.
Sorry, I haven’t updated this and I’ll get to it ASAP. But, my HAVES has gotten significantly smaller.
I got a couple of boosters today and the War At Seas booster had all extras in. So, I updated my list.
Updated with some Base set stuff.
Updated with some WAS stuff
Updated with some War At Sea Task Force stuff
I got a case of Eastern Front. I was impressed with how well the distribution was. Check out my update.