I saw your post sitting so long I registered to give you a few pointers on maps. Most if not all the WotC map packs are themed in some way. Originally they were 2" hexes but were changed some time ago. The map packs you mentioned are themed as follows: North Africa - 3 Desert maps and on reverse side 3 jungle maps. Eastern Front - 3 town/factory maps and on the reverse side 3 Russian steppes maps. There are two starters, the one in the cardboard box is the old one and contains 12mm mini’s and 2" hex maps. the new starter is in a blister pack and has 15mm mini’s and 3" hex maps. The maps in the new starter are mixed forest/hills/clear. The rules and revised cards are downloadable through the WotC site.
Seeking AAM Newbie Game (MapView)
PM is away. Also, if anyone else has the latest UDMs, please PM me or email them to the addy in my profile. Much obliged!
How much email space do you have? There are six UDM files (one for each base map) and each is 1.x megs.
I can take it! Bring them on! I can’t get anyone around here to play with me. I’m getting tired of playing with myse…wait… Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing the viability of this program!!!
Email sent, we’ll see if it makes it through the ether…
bump How are the repairs to the website coming? Any chance I can download the files anywhere soon?
Working on it. My domain was snatched by my prior web hosting company. It’s very hard to get these kinds of issues resolved.
It only took a month, but I think I have finally reclaimed control of MotCreations.com! I’ll find out for sure tomorrow and then I can update the DNS to my server and in a couple of days I’ll have a website and an email adress again! (And of course FTP so people can start using AAM)!
Sweet! I’m anxiously awaiting!
Website is back up. The links are at the bottom of the other PBEM thread.
From my current game with Stimpy
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