Played some more games this afternoon, a couple rounds fo Schnellbomber and several rounds of Intercept the Interceptors. Several more questions:
5. Should it really be harder to dive at High Speed (Maneuver Check 13+ vs. 10+)?
6. Should it really be harder to climb at High Speed (Maneuver Check 13+ vs. 10+)?
7. What are correct ATK values for BF 109F and BF 109G? Cards list both as 5/3/2, which is less than BF 109E. I’m guessing BF 109G values should be higher. It’s commonly known that BF 109F was redesigned with lighter armament for better maeuverability, then BF 109G was up-armed at expense of maneuver.
8. When does a player need to commit to a particular speed? Must the player declare his complete move at start, “I’m moving at low speed 3, first one hex forward, then a climb, then a one-hex right turn”? Or can the player keep things loosey-goosey as long as possible, “I’m moving one hex forward. Now in the second hex I’m climbing, and I’ll make the Maneuver Check as low speed. Oops, failed the MC, so I’ll stop in this hex instead of moving into the next hex and turning.”