I actually listen to a Canadian News MAgazine on NPR occaisonally. A lot less happens in Canada, so U.S. stories are big (I didn’t realize it was Canadian at first because of this) and little stories like this thread are big deals.
Posts made by yourbuttocks
RE: Why don't Canadians goose step to the Yanky Doodle tune?
RE: Restraint
I can see Russia starting to get it while China is starting to lose it.
RE: Whacha Gonna Do When We Come for You? Sad-dam, Mad sAs …
All I need is the tape of the Iraqi guy hitting the picture of Sadam Hussein with his shoe.
RE: Whacha Gonna Do When We Come for You? Sad-dam, Mad sAs …
Al NAzariyah and Basra have fallen but some enemy combatants remain in those cities to be neutralized.
RE: Whacha Gonna Do When We Come for You? Sad-dam, Mad sAs …
Coalition ttroops have surrounded Basra. Most of the government buildings in Baghdad have been destroyed by 1600 missiles. Two airfields in Western Iraq have been captured by U.S. special forces.
RE: Whacha Gonna Do When We Come for You? Sad-dam, Mad sAs …
The 4th infantry and the 1st MArine expeditionary are in Iraq.
But It looks like the U.S. is trying to negotiate a coup in order to avoid a full blown invasion.
RE: Restraint
They would probably resign in protest of any kind of policy of restraint.
I don’t see how NATO is directly related with those counter-terror activities. Pakistan isn’t in NATO, and they have been capturing terrorists.
RE: Restraint
NATO has acted only once, and it was in Bosnia/Kosovo, and that was the U.S. cleaning a mess up Europe was unwilling to deal with. Dismantling will force the Europeans to fend for themselves. They’re big boys. :)
RE: Democrats maneuvering for '04 or '08 Presidential Bid
Yanny, what did Ventura do that was so great?
RE: Fun History test
I got Napoleon- complicated plans, diplomatic, fairly close to the troops
RE: Blizzard of 2003…
Yanny, you need to lean that these are the consequences of living in a non-marine climate (like seattle, for example)
RE: I'm gone
If we’re patient enough, that New Jersey water will get you, Yanny
RE: Stimulating Commentary on France and Germany
Yanny, those prisoners were never sent back to England (during the war), making the rest of your figures questionable.
RE: Restraint
We no longer have any reason to be in NATO. Give a good reason for us to stay in it.
RE: Stimulating Commentary on France and Germany
Yanny, you are basing your belief on the idea that the British could have won without occupying much of the colonies and that they could have handled losing 60-70+ thousand troops (for edxample, they lost 9,000 at Saratoga, and 2,000 at Cowpens). For Every British Victory they lost 500-1,000 men. How could they have kept that up for 8, 9 10, 11 years?
RE: Restraint
lets see NATO- U.S. spends tens of billions a year to defend Western Europe from a country which no longer exists…
RE: Stimulating Commentary on France and Germany
The British could and did put down an American revolt,
By the end of the southern campaign, the British had New York and Yorktown, and that is all. The British were losing thousands a year and making no permanent gains. How could they win?
RE: Restraint
I’m talking about dismantling NATO. Why was America invovled in Bosnia? Couldn’t The French, Italians, Spanish, British of handled it?
HOwabout we will intervene in acts of aggression/genocide/etc. in North America. Other continents can handle themselves.
The idea that we need these troops and bases to protect oil/etc. is stupid. We need to become more self-sufficient, not protect imperialism.
If we feel guilty wee can increase the foreign aid budget with some of the tens of billions we will save.