Axis and Allies at Renegade Con:
Watch it live at YouTube:
Will start any moment now.
Axis and Allies at Renegade Con:
Watch it live at YouTube:
Will start any moment now.
Early 1994…
Playing Risk with a guy I did know but not that good.
So playing Risk… finishing the game. Discussing it… And then… then I said: “Well, yeah, would be nice if Risk had ships to cross the seas.”
And then… then he said: “Well, Axis and Allies got little ships?”
Me: What?
He: You want to see this game? Will get it from my room?
Me: Yes.
And the rest is history…
Please do understand: this was (just) before the Internet started… so it was not easy to find new games. At that moment I did not live in a big city. So…
Event started…
Axis and Allies 1914 will be reprinted!
Not so much a second edition but a reprint.
Larry Harris was consulted. This is great news!
More infantry units for Germany and UK.
30 additional plastic chips are also included.
There will be some rules updates.
Renegade will have the new version of the rules downloadable from their website.
Now more info on: Gen Con World Championship for Axis and Allies.
(With Matt Holland)
The winner of ‘Pick your Battle’ is:
North Africa
I am pretty sure Larry Harris once said that about 80 % of the questions sent (pre-email, pre-internet) to Hasbro were about subs…
Well, I am still learning new stuff (into Axis and Allies since the mid-1990s). So thanks for this question.
To be honest I cannot recall if this situation once happened in a game I played.
But I can imagine this can be a handy tactic to ‘spread’ your subs…
Wow… again: thanks. I like to keep learning about Axis and Allies Classic’s great (and sometimes unclear though) rules! Keep playing A&A Classic!
Let me first say we all really appreciate the time and energy you spend on Axis and Allies and on this very forum.
Still, I ask: when can we expect Part Two of this interview…
Update September 2022:
I just found this one:
“The war is the same, but occurs in an alternate universe where the Earth’s land formation happened
(From the Rules: )
So Axis and Allies… just on another map.
Will check this one out asap…
Pick Your Battle:
Probably will be released in 2024.
Four topics/options:
(1) Operation Market Garden
(2) North Africa
(3) Eastern Front
(4) Battle of Stalingrad
And it’s there:
Thanks for posting, David. Nice read!
That is a lot of money. Yes, in Netherlands the original Axis and Allies and Shogun both were pretty expensive.
And Fortress America? All we could do was look at the small picture at one of the sides of the Axis and Allies box and imagining what this game was and was about?
Remember: these were the pre-Internet years…
I am from Netherlands. And yes I can remember the Dutch translation being included in the box.
@Imperious-Leader Hope you will find the time to check this one out.
General remark:
Are there any players here who played all Gamers’ Paradise expansions together? How did this mega-expaned Classic Axis and Allies play (out)?
On my bucket list: finally play at least some of these expansions with pieces from later games :)
That is good to hear.
I hope all of us (yes, we are a community!) that wanted to buy Axis and Allies 1914 but for whatever reason did not can buy this game now.
Releases in MAY and AUGUST!
Games released in May:
Europe 1940
Pacific 1940
Game released in August:
1914 (WW I)
Bigger Global map. Rolled-up.
Eventually later on my brother found much of the game in the garbage of the downstairs neighbor’s porch, we both eagerly examined the pieces, map and Rules and fell in love with it!
Later that week I bought the game from Toys R Us and we played it to death for many years since until the newer versions came out years later!!!
… you had a lot of extra pieces then :)