Hi tekky and Imperious Leader,
thanks very much for the quick clarifications! I’ll post if other things pop up during gameplay :-)
Hi tekky and Imperious Leader,
thanks very much for the quick clarifications! I’ll post if other things pop up during gameplay :-)
Hello guys,
my friends and I have started to play AARHE today, and frankly, we’re enthusiastic. Great rules, kudos to the community!
Three questions cropped up on this first day which we could not resolve by reading the rules carefully over and over:
Upkeep in special terrain
Pay 1 IPC for … every unit occupying AP (transport) at the end of your last turn.
And then it says later on in Non-combat move:
Sea Transport
Units on AP (transport) must be loaded and off-loaded the same turn.
I guess both together do not make sense?
What does connected mean? IPC path? Also via convoy route?
p.s. thanks again for the great rule set!
Thanks for the answers. BTW, we usually end the game by 9 VC (no surrender),
but to tell the truth, usually one player could surrender about 2 rounds before
the last VC is taken (that’s the point where he can’t change anything anymore).
have any of you counted or know of a statistic, how man
rounds it takes on averag to achieve a moderate victory (= 9VC)
(ie, how long does the game take in rounds ;-) ?
I’m assuming LHTR rules.
I want to develop rules on three subjects, but would like to know if there
are any rules already made by the communigy (searching the forums give
overwhelming results, guidance from community elders who know their
way around would be appreciated).
I would like to eliminate or reduce the luck factor from tech. I was
thinking something in line of having to research teck. Requisites would
be that IPC would have to be spent for tech (no extra tech points) - because
a lot of fun results from not knowing if it is better to research or to buy
units. Second: time limits. Simply buying techs and having them in the
first round is boring. There should be some long time research involved,
at least 3 or even more rounds.
Has anybody thought of introducing “generals”? Like, place a marker
under a tank or a plane and make this a general. They would placed
one higher on the combat resolution chart than their original unit place,
and when they are casualties they get placed back in the capital at the
end of the next round. (wounded, not killed ;-)
Naval combat:
I would like to make naval combat more appealing. Downgrade the battleship
a bit (ie, damage stays, you have to move to a port city to repair), upgrade
subs, something of the sort. But not too complicated, definitely not introducing
new units.
Pointers would be very appreciated.
Imperious Leader:
the whole idea of subs is to be on station waiting for some target to come by… If you just allow any destroyer to “SEE” the sub automatically on CM it defeats the purpose. I feel you must install that roll the DD has to make to achieve detection ( either that 3 or 2)
++++ Thanks Imperious Leader for your comments, you are right, I’ll drop this. Ditto the hidden subs.
Here are the new rules (bold stuff is new):
A player can submerge a submarine in his NCM phase or during his CM phase
when he retreats from an attack. Place a control marker under the
sub every round after the round where the sub submerged. When two markers are under the sub, it has to surface
in the next round. (In effect, it can move 8 fields submerged: 2 in the submerging round, 2 in marker one
round, 2 in marker two round, 2 in surfacing round).
(This may be a bit too much, I’ll have to playtest it. Maybe one marker is enough, making for 6 fields)
A submerged submarine may move through hostile sea zones without restriction.
Exception: When it enters a sea zone with an enemy destroyer in it, a die is rolled
for every sub in the pack. All subs must surface if at least one 3 is rolled (super sub: one 2)
Corollary: It is only allowed to enter a sea zone with a destroyer in it in a combat move phase.
Combat ensues when the subs have to surface.
The number of destroyers does not influence the detection dice roll, only the number of subs
(similar to AA gun / Fighter / Bomber rule)
The player may of course make a normal move and simply surface and attack the
destroyers in its CM.
All subs in the same sea zone have to surface at once.
**If a destroyer enters a sea zone where submerged enemy subs are stationed in a combat move,
they are detected on a roll of three (on a two for super subs). Again, roll as many dice as there are
subs in the sea zone, the number of destroyers has no effect. If a sub is detected, they are all detected
and have to suface.
(Optional rule: DD can go sub hunting: if they only move one sea zone in their CM phase instead of two
**4) Attacking and defending subs may submerge except when an enemy destroyer is present (as stated in LHTR 1.3.).
If the sub submerges during combat, this round counts as a full submerging round.
Example: A sub has one marker under it, indicating that it has been submerged for two rounds.
In this round, it attacks on its CM phase, but retreats during the attack by submerging (or, if victorious, it
submerges in its NCM phase). Do not remove the control marker, instead, place another control marker under
the sub.
So, I think I’ve thought of most of the stuff that can occur, I’ll start playtesting, any feedback is welcome :-)
Additional thought: with this new sub capabiltiy, maybe it would be wise to raise the price of the sub?
(for instance to 10 IPCs?) And maybe the super sub advantages should not be applied to the DD detection
roles. Any comments would be much appreciated.
I had an interesting idea concerning submarines and wanted to know if anybody
has tried something similar out and your experiences with this.
A player can submerge a submarine in his NCM phase. This submarine can
stay submerged as long as it wants. (Alternative: place a control marker under the
sub every round. When one/two/x markers are under the sub, it has to surface
in the next round.
A submerged submarine may move through hostile sea zones as it likes.
Exception: When it enters a sea zone with an enemy destroyer in it, a die is rolled
for every sub in the pack. All subs must surface if at least one 3 is rolled (super sub: one 2)
Corollary: It is only allowed to enter a sea zone with a destroyer in it in a combat move phase.
Combat ensues when the subs have to surface.
(The player may of course make a normal move and simply surface and attack the
destroyers in its CM. All subs have to surface at once).
If a destroyer enters a sea zone where submerged enemy subs are stationed in a combat move,
they are immediately detected (normal combat).
They are never detected during a destroyer non combat move.
Alternatives: submerged subs may be taken off the board and remain hidden (write down their
moves and reveal only when they resurface during attack or after x turns, so that other players
can check against cheating. Problem here: you have to rely on the player noticing when a DD
enters a sub field, could be inadvertently forgotten).
What do you think of these rules? Game breakers? Interesting additions?
Other ideas?
thanks for your answers, two things are clear to me now:
Unfortunately, one ambiguity remains: :wink:
Sankt Hallvard says:
You have to retreat ALL units or press attack, amphibious assault is the only exception.
That sounds ok and would be supported by LHTR rules. Either retreat everything
or nothin.
But then trihero:
If you withdraw fighters, you withdraw all of them at the same time. The fighters retreat separately from other units and can always retreat if they’re the attackers,
Does this mean, that in a normal land battle, I can retreat all fighters at once, even if my land
units continue the assault?
Hi guys,
I’m unclear on the following topid:
In amphibious assault, air units can retreat all at once or not at all, all clear.
But what about normal attacks: here, land or sea units must also retreat all
at once or not at all. But, when considering the wording of the rules, it seems
to follow that I can withdraw (attacking) air units in non-amphibious attacks arbitrarily
(that is, at end of combat round)
For instance:
I attack a country with 2 tanks and 3 fighters.
After first combat round, I withdraw 1 fighter.
After second comabt, I withdraw second fighter.
Is this a correct interpretation of the rules? And what about the
defender? Can he withdraw his fighters?
Ok, thanks, all clear now! :-) Good strategy!
Thanks for the tipp.
Uhmm, I’m a n00b, what do those two lines mean?
R1 UK complex India
R1 USA W USA fleet or Sink Complex
Hmm, are we playing something wrong here (we played our
first game today, Minor Victory -> Axis/Allies need 8 VCs).
With my German troops I move into Karelia (=Leningrad), and the Japs
move into India (Calcutta). With the inital troop placement, Allies have
zero chance of preventing this (if Axis attack those two countries full scale
with coast bombardement, planes etc etc) and also no chance of taking any
other Axis cities.
So Axis wins after first turn -always (except when getting extremely unlucky
with the rolls).
Something misunderstood on our part, or game imbalance?
The rules say that I should roll all the dice at once for attacking/defending units.
(What if I have more than 12 units attacking? - add some dice from somewhere else?)
But my actual question is:
Let’s say I have a bomber (attacks on 4 or less) and a tank attacking (hits on 3 or less).
It makes a difference if I roll all at once or seperately.
If I roll a 3 and 4 all at once, I say, hey, both have hit (3= tank, 4 = bomber)
If I roll separately, and get a 4 for the tank and the 3 for the bomber, I only
hit once instead of twice.
How is it intended, what do you do?
Kind Regards,
Thanks for the info. It seems that Axis has some advantage, so that the Allies need
more coordination than the Axis to win.
I just bought the game, read through the instructions, and am
looking forward to my first game :-)
Probably we’ll only be three players, and the instructions say
that in this case one should play all the Allies, one Germany and
one Japan.
Is it also possible to do it the other way round, so that Axis
are played by one player and the other two divide up the
I don’t see that it would make any difference, but I find it
strange that the manual does not state this option. Are there
any balancing issues which I don’t see yet as I haven’t played?
Thanks for input,