My first post - yay! Because of the ease and near necessity of the UK player doing at least Taranto and simultaneously or soon after Tobruk, the Italians always get the short end of the stick after the 1st turn. They already start out with little in the way or forces and it makes playing the Italians harder and/or an unwanted burden in a game. Boosting historical realism plus giving the Italians a fighting chance could be easily house ruled using a similar rule to those OOB rules that are in play for the US, Russia, Japan. That is, Italy is neutral until they attack a power, true neutral or allied neutral - just like reality. If it is written that Italy cannot be attacked until they conduct an attack or a DOW on a major power, it would allow them to gain a few territories (as they historically attempted) before the UK et al puts the boots to them.
I feel that this at least gives some value to the Italian forces (other than can-opening) whilst the UK could still improve their position to prepare for any potential Italian movements with their earlier movement in the round. Note, I’m not taking bidding into account as I favour maximum OOB play so I’m sure many may say this just gives the Axis yet another advantage. To that all I can say is if you play with bidding, that may mean your bids will go up. Thank you and I love this forum!

Best posts made by Team 6 Zimmi
RE: WW1 1914 Balance Recommendation
Quick question on Rule 2 (USA IPCs). Does the zero IPC apply only to turn one, or does it not collect and spend any IPCs until at war on turn 5?
Thank you and I love these rule changes although I still think USA enters to early. I think turn 6 or even 7 realizes the US troops arrival in France and subsequent participation in a scale that is reflected in this game’s pieces by 1918. I.E. corresponding to roughly 6 month turns.