#4Â The Killer Shrews (and INCREDIBLE mid-century “B” sci-fi movie, right up there with the Giant Gila Monster!)
i bought both those movies, they came on the same dvd. go it for $3.50. :-D
ill throw a few more qoutes out there and see if anyone bites…
1.)Say hello to my stinky friend!
2.) Double baco cheeseburger, its for a cop.
3.) Only someone like wonderwoman would have a strong enough utris to carry supermans baby.
4.) This is a simple game, you catch the ball, you throw the ball and you hit the ball!
5.) Ill just let the snakes out, it will keep the kids ocupided for hours (this quote is a little off im sure)
6.) Thats it, no more kitchen scraps for leapers and orphins, no more mearciful beheadings, and call off christmas!
7.) Size matters not
8.) Dad
the floors on fire
9.) This is my rifle, there are many others like…
10.) These are not polite sugestions, but codes which every man of every faith can abide by, and if you do not obey them then one day you will trun around and see we three, and we will send you to what ever god you want. (this qoute might be alittle off too.)