First, I think you are a little optimistic in your NOR results, and if you used the transport as combat fodder, you can’t NC the troops off Norway. I am not sure what you did in MED & Africa. I think left egypt alone (so I assume you took all available Afr. IPCs (+3) and took out the Gib BB, losing your transport.
My response would be:
UK: buy AC + trans (save 4).
Combat Take tank through empty Afr. country and attack either Germ inf or (preferably Arm) , inf, arm. (get 2 ipcs back from GERM)
Bom to BB.
2 figs clear NOR and NC to Karelia
Move up SAfr inf, move over TJ inf.
Normal delay in ASIA (probably strategic retreat).
End with AC, 2 trans in NOR. Down 1 ipc, Have 33 for R2 purchase
Buys 4 trans, 4 inf.
2 figs to carrier, (Bom to BB, to Gib, if UK doesnt get it) other Fig to EC, BB + trans moves to Panama
Russia: Buys 8 inf.
19 inf to EE (I’m not putting russian armor at risk this early), 3 arm, 2 figs, in inf to Ukraine.
Eastern Arm, to Kareli, 8 inf to Karelia.
Germany is left with AC, 2 fis, 3 trans in NOR and 19 inf in EE. It has 35 IPCs.
If Germ clears both (Planes to NOR, all land units available to EE, it probably is left with 4 figs, Bom from NOR and about 5 armor on EE (wihch Germany will take out with Inf and figs R3 setting up a deadzone)
If germany takes BOM against US trans, it might get one or 2, but loose one or two more figs.
If it ignores NOR, UK buys another AC and next rd, germany is looking at 2 AC, 4 figs, 8 trans and will never get to use all those planes for anything productive.
The real FU comes when US brings those 8 loaded transports (6 inf and arm) plus i fig and bom against the 2 inf, 4 figs, BOM sitting in WE, and starts chipping into the rest of those planes.
So what does Germany buy on R2? By R4 it has to be able to take back both EE and We (maybe without planes) each turn on 22 ipcs.