I had this rule that incorporates sabotage on industrial complexes….

Commandos / Rangers / Brandenburgers - A0 D1 M1 C5. They give +1 bonus to infantry or mech inf (same as artillery) PLUS they can get the +1 artillery bonus.
Special capability: Commando raids.  Can move 1 plus free sea zone to get to a target territory and perform a raid (somewhat same as a strategic/tactical bombing raid).  After the raid is complete, they have option to remain in the territory if captured that turn, or get same move 1 + sea zone to return to a friendly territory. Raid procedure: Each raiding commando targets a base or complex.  Each target gets 2 defense rolls on each raiding unit, 1 before and 1 after; on the roll before the raid, a 1 eliminates the commando, on the roll after a 1 or 2 kills.  Surviving commandos roll 1D6 minus 2 to determine damage on the facility.