If Germany doesn’t commit 2 fighters to protecting the Italian fleet I think the UK has a pretty good chance of knocking out all of Italy’s navy. It may only have a couple of ships and a plane left, but the UK can reinforce/rebuild a lot more easily then the Italians can

Posts made by savage
RE: Taranto in Alpha 3
RE: Japan Opening Moves–Double Blind
if the US focuses exclusively in the Pacific your best bet is to get Germany to gain VC quickly in Europe thus winning the game for the axis despite the struggling Pacific theater
has any one seen this game ruse, its like axis and allies for the xbox
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0020KZZHG/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B0020KXYPG&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=08PAYDC607DH1EZH8FZD -
RE: National Advantages for Global 1940
More NAs for UK. All other major countries had historic stand out weapons. But i cant think of any except RADAR for UK , but thats like a technology not a superweapon. Any suggestions?
the UK created a lot of weird and wonderful technology during the war, usually finding cheap solutions to difficult problems i.e. the bouncing bomb and the “silly” tanks used on d-day and the subsequent battles in France, such as the mine sweeping tanks with a chain flail in front of them. this could be represented by cheaper tech rolls for the UK
Save sheet
is there a save sheet for this monster yet, cause i know i need one
fyi you missed the destroyer and battleship in sz 110
RE: German IC's
Couldn’t Russia just attack that sub in the Black Sea with fighters? I thought fighters get one attack before the sub can submerge.
Depending on the dice, really Russia would be destroying 6 German IPC’s a turn.
planes can’t attack subs without a destroyer
RE: US IPC question
If you’ve played A&AP40, you might have noticed it easily takes all of 50+ IPCs for the US to even be a contender with Japan, if Japan has half a brain cell working. It should balance out fine I think, except in REAL rare cases where ANZAC and UK/Pacific are on fire with die rolls!
but thats only because japan attacks on the first turn, and in global that might screw over the euro axis so they may wait until j2 or even 3
RE: Allied Player controling France
I know my group is going to try to get 8 players in by creating a “Franco-Chinese” player
RE: Battle of the Atlantic
America can land in Africa in 1 move, its only 3 spaces away
Africa is four spaces away from the US East coast
you start in 104 next to the US east coast move through 89, 90 and Africa boarders 91, its possible in one turn with a naval base
RE: Battle of the Atlantic
America can land in Africa in 1 move, its only 3 spaces away
RE: A closer look at the Neutrals
we all know that Brazil is pro-allied, but the territory above the Arabian peninsula appears to be pro-axis as for the rest, they seem to be true neutrals
as for the neutrals without unit values, the ones like that in the pacific could just be taken, I see no reason why Europe would be different
RE: AAE40 setup ( now verified)
I think it says that there are 4 fighters in the UK
RE: Hey! What about South America?
you could attack neutrals they just cost 3 IPCS
only in the original axis and allies, in all subsequent versions they could not be attacked or moved over except in the new Europe and Pacific
RE: Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread
U.K. Tactical: The Typhoon
U.K. Strategic: The Lancaster
Field Marshal Games will make the best choices in the end.I personally would like to see the fairey swordfish used as the tactical bomber for the UK
RE: Soundtrack for playing Pacific
I put on Born in the USA, and try to coincide an American invasion of a Japanese territory with the “sent to a foreign land to go and kill the yellow man” line :-D
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