thanks guys
love the game this 1941 is a great starter game to me and very simple
thanks guys
love the game this 1941 is a great starter game to me and very simple
You champion.
Yes we have been playing it right. Just on p 21 the rule says look up your power’s national production level on the national production chart and collect that number of IPCs.
So in phase 1 if I have 3 IPCs unspent they will be added on in phase 6?
I could choose not to spend and possibly double my IPCs?
In Axis & Allies 1941, If Germany takes Karelia off Russia does Germany earn 13 IPCs in phase six or still only 12 IPCs? Then if Russia does not take Karelia back in its turn does Russia only make 6IPCs in phase 6?
So does your IPCs increase as you take territories or you only always make the base IPCs?