Title: Russian Agression
Date: December 19th, 2009
Special Rules: NO’s + Tech (1941 setup)
Victor: Allied victory, world domination
Game Length: 12 hours
Bias: About equal, 1player allies (me) against 2 axis players
Russia implemented an agressive strategy and bought mostly tanks and artillery for several rounds. They used up their infantry on high risk battles but this severely wore down germanys assault possibilities. UK took scandinavia and supported Russia with infantry. US established a bridgehead in Algeria and kept Italy from moving his fleet to the caucasus. Japan soon controlled the entire pacific after long ranged aircraft bombed away every allied navy vessel there. However, the UK had built a factory in india and SA where land units where sent to fight a land war in asia. After the italian navy was sunk by UK planes the Americans took the balkans and Roemenia, russia followed with reinformentment. From here the Italians were soon defeated and allied navies rushed to the passific using the suez canal. Germany fell after a long war of attrition. Japan lost their fleet and production and capitulated.
Allies techs: UK, warbonds/jetfighters, US, jetfighters
Axis techs: Japan, Jetfighters/Long ranged, Germany: Rockets
Germany had a really hard time dealing with a very agressive Russia. They tried to counter it with lots of tanks but this only made them vulnerable. Japan was sole ruler of the pacific but it didn’t bring them victory because UK put all there effort on land. I would recommend every allied US/UK player not to attack France or Netherlands unless you’r able to bring enough to survive any counter attack.