O.k. Vareel, I like your strat, and I think you’re right that the key is to deny a landing zone for the massive Japanese airforce. That being said, while it seems that it would pretty much trump the “Alaskan Pipeline” KAF if Japan waits to launch until J2, the heavy transport buy J1 is still a solid investment. With so much attention diverted north in anticipation of Alaskan invasion, Honolulu is ripe for the picking and, once secured on J2, provides a real thorn in the American’s side for long enough to give the Japanese a decent chance to pick off ANZAC (especially if the Japanese player stacks Hawaii with fighter interceptors on J3, which makes it a major headache to capture if even a portion of the Japanese navy is left behind).
Also: Thanks for the heads up on WUS being worth 10 to Axis. Must have missed that note completely somewhere along the line.