Hi Darth,
yes, that´s the correct way to register yourself. But for those who are not familiar with this procedure, the e-mail to aaworldcup@daak.de is enough. :-)
Hi Darth,
yes, that´s the correct way to register yourself. But for those who are not familiar with this procedure, the e-mail to aaworldcup@daak.de is enough. :-)
this is the last reveille to bring your troops into action.
You only have 4 days left to sign-up until February 29th in order to participate in the World Championships 2008.
We will open fire exact on March 1st and start the Qualifying of the World Championship.
Sign-up: AAWorldcup@daak.de
Nice dice and have fun!
1) Rand (maybe)
2) JWW
3) DarthMaximus
4) Switch
5) U-505
Btw: You are all playing for Uncle Sam? (or anybody from the UK?)
Wow, over 30 so far, that’s great!
Like in ebay, I hope the last days will increase this number. :-)
If I missed anyone or you want to sign-up just send an email to the one that was provided (first post I think).
So far we’re sending some pretty big guns to play. :-)
Looking forward to host these fine players. We´ll see if we can stop this invasion and keep the title in good old Germany! :-D :evil:
half of the time for applications is over now, but you still have two weeks to sign-up for the Axis & Allies World Championship.
Meanwhile (after two weeks) we have more than 30 participants from 4 A&A clubs. The players come from 5 countries (of course most of the players come from DAAK and are germans).
As we said earlier, each player is not only fighting for his own kudos but also for his club. Now a player from AAMC called attention to the point that it would be a honor to play for the mother country. We will implement this as well. In my case it would be: Lili Marleen, DAAK, Germany.
Let´s see if we can increase the number of participants until the end of the registration deadline at February 29th.
If it is not too late to sign up for qualifying, I would like to do so.
Please let me know what I need to do to sign up for the Qualifying rounds…
Superb that you decided to take part. There´s nothing else to do for you (of course you could sign-up yourself on our tourney site, if you wish). You´ll get a mail shortly before the Championships start.
I believe I will join and take up the A&A.org banner, as well.
It seems axisandallies.org is gaining ground again… :-D I already read your mail. Thanks for joining.
Alas, I might have to pull out of the running for this Tounament as I will be away for the month of May on Holidays and will have limited access to be able to play as I will be travelling. Sorry about any inconvenience.
Hi Rand,
holidays (especially in May) are really no problem. Let me explain: You can take a break of two weeks in the game anyway (e.g. because of holidays). Additional the first qualifying game lasts until May 15th. So if your game is not over until your holidays begin you can take your take your official two weeks break and the game will be judged. So if you don´t linger too much in your game before May, there´s really no problem. Of course, the decision whether to take part or not, is up to you.
Absolutely correct! The 8 IPCs cash from your example could either be provided to Germany or to Japan or split up.
Hi ncscswitch,
sorry that I didn´t point that out exact enough:
Now, at March 1st, the Qualifying of the World Championsips 2008 starts. It´s like the World Championships finals played in ADS style, with FIDA bid, LHTR 2.0 (so nothing special). A move has to be done every 3rd day.
The best 16 players of this qualifying qualify for the World Championships finals, beginning at November 1st.
I think to reach the finals you only have to win one or two games. So there´s enough time for playing the qualifying and no pressure of time.
If there´s another question… please ask. It´s important that everything´s clear before the start.
Don;t let Amon fool you…
He just SPANKED me in two consecutive games!
So it´s just understatement. :-)
Well, I just sent an email in to sign-up too.
That´s great news. You already achieved a high ranking position at DAAK as well. Let´s see if you can enhance this.
well, i am not among the best on this forum
Well, I will not win this title either. :wink: It´s just the olympic spirit that keeps me going on. :-D
LHTR: In step 7, combat continues unless one of the following conditions occurs (in this order of sequence):
Condition A) Attacker withdraws all attacking units;
Condition B) Defender withdraws all submarines by submerging, leaving no other defending units in play;
Condition C) Either or both sides lose all units.
So the attacker may withdraw before defending subs submerge.
Another nice tactic especially for Germany: If UK (or in same cases US) has a lot of BB (or even combined bombardement), doing attacks (opening fire) like 1 INF + many BB vs. GER or EEU. So GER normally loses a bunch of INFs every round with a value of over 8 IPCs. Then GER should build a SUB in BAL, in order to avoid this opening fire (sub-stalling). The BBs have to fight against the SUB an can´t do their opening fire for the battle in EEU or GER.
I don´t know whether this was already mentioned.
Hi Rand,
sounds good. :-) Could you send me a mail to aaworldcup@daak.de, please? Then I can tell you who to sign-up (it´s only one thing to do).
I hope we can find a few other players, following Rand to the Rhine and keeping up the aa.org flag!
And if you sign-up: remember that you write me for which club you want to play, since you have the choice. 8-)
Welcome to the DAAKers. :-)
Thanks. :-)
You’re always free to post here if you have an upcoming event or something. We also have an Events Forum.
Sounds good. Not all clubs are that generous.
We actually have quite a bit of crossover with DAAK, I know several users are registered at both (including me) but I’m not sure how many actually participate in your Tournaments.
I’ve been a bit hesitant to join tournaments b/c of potential language issues. I only speak English which isn’t a problem for an occassional game at DAAK but I was concerned about it for a tournament situation.
Yes, I see, you are our No. 9 in the rankings, right? Another axisandallies.org top player missing right now in the tourney. :wink:
So, my question to you is, do you know if most DAAK players have at least a little understanding of English? I mean enough for turn posting and game talk.
I would go so far to say that EVERY german player (or other european player in the club) has enough understanding of English. Actually the mails between the players concerning the gameplay are all written in English, e.g. “taken with 1 INF” and so on. We have American players who play a lot of (and even win) tournaments. All announcements of the club are made in german as well as in english, especially those concerning tournaments.
Or have you ever run into a language issue for tournament game?
Another question on this tournament, it is my understanding that anyone that signs up will start playing on March 1 in some type of qualifying game, then out of all those games the top 16 (or 16 winners) will then play in the Final tournament. Is this correct?
Also, I’m assuming you you’ll be using the FIDA (split bid) type placement?
Yes, both is correct. We will have a qualification in the same kind of gameplay as the finals will be. K.O. system. Players of the same club will not play against each other in the first round. But after round 1 every match will be drawn random.
And yes, we use the FIDA bid.
Hello ncscswitch,
thanks for your post. Additional I just want to clarify that we didn´t post in order to catch axisandallies.org members for our tourneys (of course every player is welcome anytime!). It would just be nice to host as many players as possible from other clubs to play a worthy World Championship together.
So if some of you like to be our guests for a while… just let us know. Especially your sign-up is missing, ncscswitch, since you already played quite a lot games at DAAK (and you are current No. 19 of the rankings). :-D
We posted at AAMC as well, but I think they are still not sure, if they are a match to our players! :evil:
Another thing: We hope we can provide our own new AAR dicey for the first time, when the tourney starts.
in the World Championship a move has to be done every 3rd day, e.g. your opponent does his move at day 1 so you have to move at day 4 latest.
I assume this is the Axis and Allies club of Denmark correct?
No, not danish! :lol: We are the German Axis & Allies Club. DAAK = “Deutscher Axis & Allies Klub”
How much do you guys charge for a full set?
Also, how much do you charge for your enlarged Revised map?
Again I´m not sure whether I got all points. What do you mean with “full set”? And “charge”? Do you mean, you have to pay anything? DAAK is a Axis & Allies Play-by-E-Mail club, where players can play without any costs. It´s free. The tools for gameplay in our download sector, like the Revised map or odds calculators are free. Did you mean that?
Lastly, You may want to come up with a English version of your site for the non-danish public.
Actually we have an english version. Simply click on the english flag on our homepage. The Message Board itself and of course all topics concerning the World Championship are bilingual, english and german. Of course most of our users write in german.
I hope our president Pernaug will write here soon, because his english is far better than mine. He surely gets all points at once.
PS: Lale Andersen has the original singer of Lili Marleen I think.
the winner of this years tournament would be ranked as #1 before the next years and >thus be playing the player which is ranked on 15th place
Well, of course it could be considered that the best players of the prior tourney are ranked in a coming tourney.
But: I don´t think we should go that far in the future. This year the World Championship is primary a test, whether A&A clubs find a way to compete with each other in order find the best (or luckiest :-D) A&A player.
I think, if enough players are interested, this Championship will be continued anyway. Perhaps another club will host it then and another tournament modus will be used.
This year DAAK thought that we should launch this tourney.
and please dont offend or anything like that
but i have one personal question
are you woman?
Yeah! That´s all you guys like to know!
But I have to disappoint you. Neither do I look like the blondie in the film nor am I female.
But I´m still fighting for women rights at DAAK. 8-)