Thanks for the replies. Does anyone else have different strategies for defending the France and the west, or is a lost cause if the allies land. Do you prevent them from landing by stacking large amounts of infantry, or do you invest in tanks that can push them back into the sea when they do land? Or perhaps a compromise between the two?
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RE: Rundstedt France Defense
Rundstedt France Defense
If a major allied invasion in western ever occurs, the Germans have probably let the game go on too long. However, if this happens, there are easier ways too defend France than your traditional Rommel “Atlantic wall” strategy. Most players will build their western defense on the coast. This allows for a great advantage to the allied naval and air powers. Any amphibious landings will be supported by battleships and air power, demolishing much of the coastal defense before the landings even take place (parallels history well). It also limits your counterattack capabilities if they do establish a foothold in France. Instead of stacking Infantry in France and Netherlands/Belgium, spend you money more wisely on a smaller, more offense minded tank force in Eastern France, leaving little or no pieces in France and Netherlands/Belgium. Pulling back your forces will annihilate any advantage the allies had with its fleet, and greatly reduce the impact of its air force. Let the landings take place, and then throw them back to the sea with your high rolling tanks, and perhaps what air force you have left in the area. You will have to temporarily sacrifice your IPC, but it will pay off in the long run. Your odds of winning are much higher, and your tanks can blitz back to eastern France by the end of your turn. The allies cannot reinforce the newly won territories with fighters until the next turn, and by then, you will have already pushed them out of France. An AA gun can be moved up from Northern Italy into Eastern France to make the allies think twice before softening your tank force with bomber before their invasion. Eastern France, besides Germany itself, is the most important European country. It borders 5 vital territories, and has the ability to counter nearly every allied invasion is properly reinforced. Like all strategies for the Germans, this one begins to fall apart later in the game, but it is the best way to prolong an Allied Invasion in the west and may free up just enough resources and buy you just enough time to win on the Russian front. Sorry if this has been discussed before(I am new to Forums), If it has could some one direct me to the thread. If not, I would love to hear some responses.