British & Italian Empires versus again Austro-Hungarian Empire but also Turkish Empire. This time AHE has to watch out for the Turks being overrun by the British forces, while taking out Italy.
Round One: AHE builds 2 subs., fighter, &, 2 troopers. Moves land forces towards Venice, while still keeping the coastline Trieste covered, in case of any sea landings. Battle 12 troopers & 4 guns, versus, 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 7 troopers & Allies all, Venice has fallen!
Fleet tries to breakout, to link up with Turkish Navy, no mine damage. BB & C & transport, versus, the same Italian navy. Losses only damaged It. BB left.
Brits. builds sub., 2 transport, 2 troopers, &, fighter. On Home Islands land forces move to Wales, and, fleet of BB, 2 C, & transport(trooper & gun), sail for Italy. Ditto Canadian C & transport. Another transport leaves trooper & gun in Tuscany.
A C from Egypt, battles AHE subs. in Axis home waters, no mine lost(losses Allied C & Axis subs.). Another C from India arrives off the coast of Egypt. Trooper in Africa heads for Egypt.
From Egypt 5 troopers & gun, invade Jordan, versus, Turks. 2 troopers & gun. Losses all Axis only, Jordan has fallen! In Mesopotamia Indian BB shells(no hits) & defending gun scores no hits. Landed 2 troopers versus Turks 2 troopers & gun. Losses Allies all & Axis a trooper & gun. The Ottoman back door is defended by only one trooper!
Ottoman Empire builds sub., fighter, &, trooper. Reinforcements of 2 troopers & gun to Mesopotamia. Forces head for Jordan, while capital protected by gun & 3 troopers, in case of any sea landings.
In Jordan 7 troopers & gun, versus, British Empire 6 troopers & gun. Losses Axis 5 troopers & Allies 4 troopers. At sea both C split up, one attacks British BB &
C off Egypt(both sides lose a C), also C attacks Brits. C & transport off Italy(all lost).
Italy builds BB(to provide protection for Brit. transport off S. France, from AH subs.).
Moves forces from Tuscany to Piedmont, &, Rome garrison to Tuscany. Also Naples trooper to Rome. All Italian Colonial forces head for Egypt.
Round Two: AHE builds BB, fighter, &, 4 troopers. Forces in Vienna invade Tuscany.
More forces enter N. Italy. Battle fighter flies in from capital, 5 troopers & 4 guns, versus, Brits. trooper & gun & It. 6 troopers & 2 guns & fighter. Losses Axis 4 troopers & It. 5 troopers & gun. Tuscany is contested.
British Empire builds 2 transports, sub., fighter, gun, &, trooper. Canadian transport & BB off S. France, &, from Wales a sub. & 2 transports(2 troopers & 2 guns)leave.
Moves trooper from Egypt to Jordan, &, trooper from Sudan to Egypt. Another trooper goes from Rhodesia to S. Africa. BB from India & transport to Red Sea, drop off trooper & gun, &, fighter flies in also. Battle 3 troopers, 2 guns, &, fighter, versus, Ottoman 2 troopers & gun. Losses Allies 2 troopers & Axis all. Jordan falls!
Two Cs & transport(with trooper & gun) offload onto Tuscany. Battle 2 troopers & 2 guns, versus, AHE trooper & fighter. Losses are Allies trooper & gun, &, Axis all. Tuscany is uncontested. Two C enter Turkish Home Waters(no mine lost) versus Turkish submarine, Allies lose a C & Axis a submarine.
Turkey builds sub. & 3 troopers. Fighter from capital attacks Brits. C, both are lost. Forces enter Jordan from Smyrna of 7 troopers & gun, versus, Brits. fighter, trooper, &, gun. Losses Axis 2 troopers & all Allies. Jordan retaken.
From capital to Smyrna 3 troopers & gun, to help cover the seacoast.
Italy builds 4 troopers, Piedmont forces go to Tuscany. Trooper from East Africa moves to Sudan. Also trooper & gun in Egypt goes to Jordan(battle Ottoman 5 troopers & gun, losses only Axis trooper, Jordan is contested again).
Round Three: AHE builds 2 fighters, BB, &, gun. Ignoring Piedmont, more forces into Tuscany, and, more arriving into Venice. Battle 31 troopers & 6 guns, versus, Brits. 2 troopers & gun, and, Italy 8 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Axis 7 troopers & Allies all.
At sea breakout into Central Med. Sea, to link up with Ottoman fleet. Two subs.(one lost to mines) & BB, versus, Italian BB & British transport. Losses only Italy’s BB survive.
British Empire builds fighter, 2 transports, &, BB. Two transports leaves Wales for Rome with 4 troopers. While 2 troopers with sub. debarks 2 troopers & 2 guns onto Rome. Off Jordan transport goes back to India, &, fighter flies to Jordan(from India). Trooper in Egypt moves to Jordan.
BB & transport(trooper & gun) arrives off Jordan, along with other BB from Red Sea. BBs shells & scores two hits, fighter, 2 troopers & gun, versus, Ottoman 4 troopers & gun(defending gun scored no hit against landing forces). Losses Allies a trooper & gun, &, Axis all. Jordan changes hands again.
Ottoman Empire builds sub. & 3 troopers. Trooper from Mesopotamia heads for capital. Moves forces into Jordan from Smyrna, while forces from capital move into the latter. Battle 3 troopers & guns, versus, Brits. fighter, 2 troopers & gun. Losses Allies fighter & gun. , &, Axis 2 troopers. Again Jordan is contested.
Italy builds 4 troopers. Trooper to Egypt from Sudan.
Turn Four: AHE builds tank, BB, sub., &, transport. Four troopers & gun enter Venice from Tyrolia, and, 8 troopers move from Venice to Tuscany. Moves 6 guns & 24 troopers from Tuscany into Rome, versus, Brits. 2 troopers & 2 guns, and, Italian 8 troopers. Losses Axis 8 troopers & all Allies, Rome falls!
BB breaks out with two fighters, versus, It. BB & Brit. sub. & 2 transports. Losses only damage It. BB left & one Brit. transport. No linking up with Turkish fleet!
British Empire builds fighter, sub., transport, tank, &, 2 guns. Moves transport with troop & gun & fighter from India onto Mesopotamia, versus, defending 2 troopers & gun(no hit for offshore sea landing). Losses Allies fighter & Axis trooper.
Also 2 transports leave for India from central & eastern Med. Sea. Two transports with escorting sub., lands 4 troopers in Piedmont & Naples. Along with two transports with 4 troopers leave Wales with escorting BB, for Italy.
Along with 2 BBs entering AHE home waters, one suffers mine damage, versus, AHE BB, sub., &, transport. Losses only one damage British BB left.
Ottoman build tank, sub., gun. Moves trooper to Mesopotamia as reinforcement, 2 troopers & gun, versus, British trooper & gun. Losses Axis trooper & gun, &, Allies none.
Meanwhile 5 troopers(move from Smyrna into Jordan) versus one Italian trooper, losses 1 trooper each side, Jordan retaken! Capital’s garrison of 3 troopers move into Smyrna to cover coastline from any sea invasion.
Italy cannot build, moves damage BB to Ottoman Home Waters(no mine damage), versus, 3 submarines. Losses all Axis only, what a naval blowout!
Combat trooper goes from Egypt to Jordan, versus, Ottoman 4 troopers. Losses trooper each side.
Axis win by default, held onto Rome for the turn. If it went on for another round, AHE would have gotten control of all mainland Italy. Of course the Allies would have probably taken Eastern Ottoman Empire and Jordan.
Moderate victory for the Axis, Brits. leave Turkey, AHE leaves Italy. AHE gets a small part of where Libya & Egypt meet, &, the part of Northern Venice province that includes all the mountain passes. Or take a chance it can free Turkey from the British Empire(with no Axis Naval forces, much less numerous Allied transports, most likely not).
Last setup Allies Navy: Italy 1 BB, British Empire 1 BB, 2 subs., &, 8 transports. Axis Navy: no navy.
Land/Air Allies: B.E. 19 troopers, 2 tanks, 2 guns, &, fighter. Land/Air: Axis Ottoman 9 troopers, 2 guns & tank. AHE has about 28 troopers & 9 guns.
IPCs lost Troopers Allies 43 & Axis 45, Guns 11 & 12, Fighters 2 & 4, Transport 4 & 2, Submarine 1 & 7, Cruisers 7 & 3, BB 2 & 4.