I find the sea vessels very hard to discriminate. While sub vs. aircraft carrier is obvious, a lot of the 1942 sculpts can be hard to tell apart. For instance, which sculpt is Germany’s destroyer, and which is their transport? All 4 vessels appear to have some kind of armament if you look closely, so you can’t use that to distinguish. I don’t know my historical navies well enough to know, either. While you can just pick, if you forget your choice it can be very confusing to recall later in in the game.
I just played and we had a fiasco of a seabattle; to put it bluntly, we all thought Germany had a battleship + cruiser on the board, when they only had a destroyer and a transport. Needless to say, it changed the outcome of D-Day.
You can see that the Germany cruiser is longer than the transport when they are side by side, but if they’re not I don’t think their function is obvious from their form. Now that I look closely, I can see that one vessel in each navy has square stern, and I assume that is the destroyer. Still, the Japanese and German transports look unlike the British and American ones, and neither of the Axis vessels look like the transport profile in the rules.
I’m thinking of adding a dot of paint to help signify which is which for our next time out. Is there another technique that you guys use, or am I just being dense? Since my whole group was confused, though, it seems like something the playtesters should have caught during design.