Is it just me or does it bother anybody else that the Expanded Rules cover is not stapled to the actual book? And on the back cover they included Greece as an ally but not Hungary as an Axis. Also the sign for Poland is not the same as that of the one on the Stat Card. Its the little things that drive me nuts!
Posts made by Jboogie
RE: New expanded rules
RE: S.O.S. (Save One Starter)
To the contested skies question, alot of the ground units have abilities against air units or abilities that enhance your air units, so thats why there are a lot of tanks and soldiers in the Contested Skies set.
Booger, yes a booger.
So I purchased a case of Reserves recently, and in this case I opened a booster pack. This booster pack, like all A&A Minis booster packs, contained a package of shrink wrapped stat cards. As I was flipping through these cards I noticed something that dose not normally come with A&A Minis booster packs. Attached to this card was a long dark hair bound to the card with a smooshed dried booger. Not just any booger but a large dried booger that may have been green at one time. Now this may be because some disgruntled Chinese assembly line person was pissed off about his/her situation and decided to let some poor American sap feel their fury. Now out of all the booster cases sent to the United States I find it IRONIC that the one message board member who plays A&A Minis who received the booger pack was the message board member with the name JBOOGIE!!! Any thoughts on this please reply. Any one else out there receive any odd human discharge in their booster packs? The only other odd things that I have ever found were a double packed Panzer Grenadier, yes two in one plastic bubble, and mis matched cards to my booster pack.
New Maps WHEN!!!???
Does any one know when these new map kits are supposed to come out? I have the two new maps that came with the Expanded rules, but I want more! Will desert themed maps come out with the Africa campaign? Why have they not been releasing new maps sets? When WHEN!!! I feel like an addict who has not had his fix! :? :P