Hi all.
The name is Hayes, I hail from central MN and am in my 20s. I began playing Axis & Allies around 2010 with a friend on the original A&A Pacific game. He introduced it to me and I loved it.
Around 12 or so I was able to get A&A D-Day as a gift from my parents. It was my first A&A game and it was great. I never got or used the cards it came with but still had fun. Around 16 I was gifted 1942 2nd Edition. My addiction to the game hit a new level. I introduced it to about a dozen others and they can’t get enough of it.
2017 rolled around I ran into A&A Global 1940 2E. Have been playing that ever since. Hands down the best factory version released. Played multiple games with college friends throughout the years. I had 10 people wanting to play at one point and I actually had to arrange a schedule so we could rotate players in per game. Had a ton of fun.
I plan on starting Global 1936 in the next few years after I get a hold of someone to build me a table. Or until I decide to fork out the couple thousand and buy one. Time will tell.
I’m a huge fan and amateur historian when it comes to WWII as many are here as well. I read (audiobooks) and watch good documentaries when I can regarding the topic. I have a degree in criminal justice and subsequently work in the same field. Love the job.
Recently finished moving into our new house and jumping back into the hobby of A&A again. I have been diving deep into the A&A YouTube rabbit hole. Love GeneralHandGrenade, Siredblood, and YoungGrasshopper.
I play when I can with whomever. We mostly play by the standard rules but may throw in a few house rules depending on the vibe of the day.
I have my own printed map coming (arrives in the next two days) and miscellaneous minor customizations from HBG.
That’s it for me, see you on the battlefield!