One last note, you might want to switch to Russia restricted first. The Rusky’s can’t attack on their first round, wich will balance the game a little bit more. If the Allies are still winning like 15-5 you have to start playing with a bid to make it a game.

We started this way and when we progressed we got things balanced by first playing RR, then playing RR and a small bid (it went up from RR with +6 to +12) and finally we started playing full bids (ranging from 21+ to 24+). After that we added some extreme bids (32+ if you went with a full Asia bid) or we gave Japan all the techs and no bid which was really fun to play.

Those are just ideas which are fun to change the setup of the game slightly if you become bored with the KGF ‘shuck shuck’ method ;)