Although battleships are great to have, they are way out of Japan’s reach. The destroyer is more bang for your buck. Plus, Japan can transport one infantry on their destroyers, a critical advantage for the island nation. The entire game hinges on the ability of the Japanese player to rapidly transport troops and expand the empire. The rest of the navy is really just providing support and keeping the allies off of the army’s back.
Battleships are great for the US, however, I perfer fighters. Fighters cost less they have longer range and are more versitile. Fighters can be sent against naval or land units. Although Battleships can support assults with their bommbardment, that is a one time attack. The fighter can attack with each wave. Fighters can also be used on CAP, an advantage that allows any player to erect barriers and protect territory. With enough fighters, you can control the seas without a navy (although i wouldn’t recomend it).
To sum it all up, I think that destroyers are the best buy for Japan, and that fighters (and maybe a carrier to land on) are the best buy for the US navy.
Gen. A.J. Williams
“It is good that war is so terrible, or else we would grow to fond of it.”
–Robert E. Lee
Fredricksburg, VA 1862–