Suggested as one-time unit bonuses for obtaining specific territorial targets. To represent “liberated” peoples turning on their former occupiers. Tracked by tokens removed when the bonus is claimed.
India - 10 infantry. Had Japan conquered India it would have found no shortage of natives willing to help stop the British getting back in.
Western USA: 3 infantry (liberated internees)
Each USSR tt outside Russia proper - 4 infantry. (Local nationalists e.g. Ukraine, Baltic states)
Each USSR tt inside Russia - 2 infantry. (anti-Communists)
Eastern USA: 3 infantry. (DAB volunteers)
Each non-USSR tt liberated from Germany/Italy - 2 infantry (e.g. Finland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland anti-Germans)
Each Chinese tt liberated from Japan - 2 infantry (Communist infiltration)
France: 4 infantry, 1 tank, 1 fighter. (French patriots armed with American equipment. This is more authentic than a restored France being able to “build” new units) [in my rules captured factories are removed and cannot be rebuilt] Applies even if France is physically liberated by the UK.
(Chinese units) 2 infantry for each Chinese tt liberated from Japan, that is Chinese tts starting under Japanese occupation.
Egypt: 3 infantry (Arab nationalists)