Hi everyone. First post here, and a couple of questions.
We just started playing with the national advantages, and there’s a few things that have arisen right away. We usually play the same countries, with myself playing Japan.
1) With American bombers immune to anti aircraft fire, an American heavy bomber strat has worked every time to cripple Germany. With america buying 2 bombers, 2 dice on A1, and at least 1 bomber and dice til they get it there after.
2) With national advantages, does Britian’s extra starting IC act as any other starting IC? Meaning can you build as many new units there as you want, or is it limited to the countries (usually India) IPC value? So far we’ve played unlimited (as it isn’t stated otherwise) and Britian’s starting buy has been 6 tanks.
We’ve only played this a few times ( maybe 4 ) and as of yet the Allies have yet to lose.
Anyone have any suggestions to counter this as Japan?