A while back I posted an enhanced realism rule set based widely on this web board and much of you users’ intuition and hard work, but regrettably I have neglected to give credit to those responsible for many of the original ideas in the rule set as I had no intentions of sharing it at all. As I get closer to a finished product I can’t help but admire it. I feel that you all deserve the credit due to you. I have attached links of what I (and you) have completed thus far. You should know that the rule set would work very well with the upcoming FMG combat units, although you may still need to find several pieces from various locations. I would appreciate your e-mails and replies regarding what rules were from who (with a link supporting that claim), and I will make that a part of the set.
You can find miniatures for this rule set at historicalboardgaming.com, Heroics and Ros, Scale Specialties, FMG, and boardgamegeek.com users.
Now I have taken a look at several forums for the ever sought ‘event cards’ and much to my dismay, have found virtually nil or at least there was no reply to my inquiries. I have come up with my own entirely! Now they are not ready for printing as I would greatly like your input.
This is the Event Cards’ Rules:
There are four types of cards: Mission, Event, Command, and Combat. Players may not have more than five cards in their hand at any time and no more than two of any one type. Cards cost 1IPC each. When purchased, player may draw two cards and discard one. Each purchase is done separately from the next. When last card is drawn, shuffle the discard pile back into draw deck. Each draw deck is to have its own discard pile. There are forty cards in each deck. All cards are to be discarded after use, unless otherwise instructed. Each player begins the game with one of each card; selecting them as per normal. Germany begins drawing cards, then Russia, etc. Once all players have one of each card, the game begins.
Here is the link to the EVENT CARD information:
Here is everything else I (we) have done up until now:
Official House Rules (we):
Ammo Markers for Rocket Projectiles Tech (me):
Allied Naval Mines (free clip art):
Axis Naval Mines (free clip art):
Marshalling Cards I put together (just flags/roundels with numbers):
The respected marshalling roundels, generals and admirals.
My group and I are still working on this; you’ll have to forgive the house rules for now. It’s still being play tested (especially the dog fight). I would appreciate any feedback, especially on the event cards.
EDIT: Changed the event cards and rules from .docx to .doc sorry about that.