I actually watched most of the first half of the US game yesterday. they were playing against spain.(it was zero-zero when i left) I flipped the channel and decided to watch it. but soccer isn’t very popular here. i didn’t even know we had an international team or anything till yesterday.

Posts made by cyan
RE: Soccer in USA
RE: Today in history: April 25
A week from today is Cinco De Mayo, a day when we bar-b-que and drink mexican beer. Preferably Pacifico Corona is Rat piss…
In reality, though few actualy care, May 5th 1862 is when the Mexicans kicked the a** out of the French.
who hasn’t? i mean im not sure but France is probably the only country who has the “honour” of saying they got there ass kicked by mexico. :lol:
Segente nella used the word polemic. I just learned the word a few weeks ago. so your english is not that bad if you can use words like polemic. or maybe i’m just a stupid american.
RE: How do you counter KJF?
Japan should try to take out any place were the allies can pump more units i and then act defensively with thier fleet. you cannot build ic’s but trns if the US builds navy. in most games germany has to go on the offensive and attack rusia. but i am wondering what would happen if they decided to go for BRitian instead of Russsia. Just turtle there and and send you navy there to besiege britian. then america would have to switch to front’s wasting there navy. or if they don’t you could plan for a surprise attack on the american continent. just a thought though.
RE: 2 players??
Me thinks that Bunnies P Wrath is too smart for his own good. :-P
But that’s my opinion.
I will smite thee for outragious sillyness! :-P
And, later on, I shall appauld thee for
OUTRAGIOUS sillyness! :-D
Because we are not allowed to do both in the same day. :xNow then, does anyone have a rebuttal to my post before all of this Outragious sillyness. :?
I thought NBP’s comment was funny. what he said was true but I think IL is just saying you have to be able to react to unexpected surprises and adjust. (i believe that is an important part of strategy being flexible but it isn’t the most important)
RE: Implementation of "true" probability calculator
this looks really cool. i you got some competition now frood. :-) but i people were argureing for awhile how to do this. they couldn’t agree how did you do it? ( i won’t be able understand the computer stuff probably)
RE: Rule Clarification - Non Combat into Territory just Taken
This can also be useful if you use a light force to clear a territory, then you can send tanks through to a friendly territory on the other side.
For example, say japan has a big stack of armor and a couple infs in india and a lot of infs in sinkiang. Let’s also assume the allies have picket defense in kaz and persia. Either stack would get smacked on it’s own, but together they should hold a territory. Use a few infs from sinkiang to capture Kaz, and a light force to take persia, then, once you know both battles were victorious, you can shoot the armor stack from india up to Kaz with the inf stack from sinkiang for a formidable hold on the territory. (I’ve used this to swing US tanks from TRJ through Persia to Caucasus, or to get UK armor from Norway through Karelia to Arc or WRu to help defend russia as well)
yes that is a smart move.
RE: New! Dice Roller is Installed
finally remembered how. but here goes the big roll
:dice 1d∞:Rolling 1d4346468468769846574879999999999999999:
(-3739705785010094079)how the hell did I get a negative number???
RE: New! Dice Roller is Installed
finally remembered how. but here goes the big roll
:dice 1d∞:Rolling 1d4346468468769846574879999999999999999:
(-3739705785010094079) -
RE: New! Dice Roller is Installed
Input ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “1d6” is not correct syntax.
RE: New! Dice Roller is Installed
Input ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “1d99999999999999999999” is not correct syntax.
RE: New! Dice Roller is Installed
Input ErrorThere was an error in your dice throw: “1@99999999999999999” is not correct syntax.
RE: Japan Strategy
It is not a move that is done in J1, and is not a move to do in the face of UK and USA fleet that assault Japan.
In my view is an intermediate view that Japan may do while on the route for other objective.Agree. with the exception afcorse if Japan units are ˝free˝ in the first turn, and dont have any ˝better˝ targets, then elimination of UK naval units would be a good move
but i suppose you wanted to say this too, so i ve written it now
he said that if japan was not in danger. if it was free Japan should attack.
RE: Testing for real
yeah I’m back from my vaction now. and want to start it this weekend. is everyone still game? and do any new players want to play?
umm yeah. school is out. and i am ready once agian. does everyone still want to play. Gewhr you still alive. Admiral no one has sunk your ship yet have they? and balungaloaf also presented intreast in it earlier. i will update the links and everything now.
RE: Modern axis and allies
I’m a huge fan of A&A and few years ago…about ten. I used to play every weekend. Long story short I came accross some Fortress America parts. We simply colored the tops of some of the vehicles and tweeked the values and we easily set up for WWIII. There’s an easier way of doing it now though buy buying expansion pieces from a company called Table Top Games. I just ordered a set and am chomping at the bit in anticipation. So any veterans out there that want to beef up your game should check them out.
thanks for the info.
RE: List of standard acronyms…noob confused by IPC, IC, FIG, KJF, etc...
What are OOB rules? And what is a “sealion” attack? Thanks!
its a reference to this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sealion
people sometimes refer to things to an actual event. like pearal harbour II is sometime the attack on the US navy first round.of course a more appropriate name would be battle midway. (because it round 1 is about the time of the battle of midway. but also hawaii and midway are right next to each other. I don’t really see any point to having midway its own territory at all. (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/Orthographic_projection_centred_over_midway.png)
the Alaskan island would be much better or even dividing China up into two territories would be a better territory than midway. -
RE: Questions about AAguns
Another question… (if this has been covered already, I apologize)
Can the US (Eastern) bring both transports with 2 infantry, 1 tank, and 1 AA and conduct an amphibious assault on Algeria? I know that the AA gun can’t fire or anything, I’m just wondering if you can bring it with since this would be a combat move.
Thanks!I think you have to unload it in the ncombat phase.but i have a aa-gun question too. if you sbr italy and goes over france or germany do you have to take aa-gun flack twice. and also if you are just passing over france to get to the med. do you get attacked along the way? I think the answer depends on the rule set. that why i think i’m confused.