no sh*t, i am applying there. i fully understand how it is different from a regular college, i am not only applying there. dont insult me like this
Seriosuly, calm down, Im just jokin around, and I am not insulting you. Im just saying that if you do go their, this arguement is essentially null and viod, so if you get in, it doesnt matter.
also, i love how you basically tell me my friends’ college experiences are basically wrong, because its actually hard, or long, or blah blah blah… they are different from you. different people, situations, backgrounds, and circumstances. dont presume to tell me you know what college will be like for me, because of how it was for you, thats arrogant, self-centered, and narrow-minded. that was YOUR experience, what i describe was the experience of MY friends, mine will probably be similar to one or the other, or maybe it will be completely different. if i go to west point, of course, it will be. jtdc
Um… i never really said that at all. I said what the people at my shcool said about college. I dont think i even mentioned your experiences at all, just giving the testimony form the people i know, so you can look at multiple testimonies when deciding what you think college is like. I never even came close to saying your opinion of what normal college life is like is wrong, since everything after the colon was a quote form someone else, roughly.
first, i never said it was the best, i said allegedly. they say we are like number 12 or something in the state, and pretty high overall in the country. i dont know or care how they determine these rankings, like i said “allegedly”. i do know that my guidance counselors consistently give us material saying how students from our school have an edge over the majority of the country in getting into college, simply because of what high school we are in, and i have friends in other schools who are up to a year behind me material wise, though we are both seniors, and take the highest level courses offered. does this mean anything? who knows? and i dont really care. i attend Ramsey High School, its a public school.
The standard normally used to measure school’s quality is a combination of SAT scores, AP tests. and college acceptances (i dont know what ranking they use for each school, but i think they use the Princeton rankings), as well as other factoirs such as drug use and violence. At least this is the standard used in New Jersey. I know you dont care, but, if anyone else does, there ya go. This generally doesnt have as much to do with the shcool istelf as with the kids going their, but the teachers and administration do help. Dlebarton wouldnt be half the school it is if it was public. Most of the public schools in near me are pretty bad (lots of drugs and poor teachers), according to my friends who go their, so your lucky you have an effective public schools system. Beats paying 20,000 dollars a year :-? .