Isn’t it funny that Poland would have been invaded even if Hitler had blitzed the French first? the USSR invaded Poland almost simultaneously; they were clearly out for gains, too. What an ally! :roll: With friends like these…
Posts made by city on a hill
RE: Could Germany have won "the Great Patriotic War?"
RE: Could Germany have won "the Great Patriotic War?"
Hitler WAS an idiot, but entire Panzer divisions in a 1-front war can only make so many mistakes.
RE: Islaam really isn't as violent as you think
A few undeniable facts: feel free to investigate these claims…
The country that has the largest number of slaves is Sudan.
Over 98% of those slaves are BLACK CHRISTIANS who are fighting and losing to better armed Arab Muslims. Over 55% of those black Christian slaves are under the age of 18.
Chew on that for a bit…
Anyway, I hate to be rude, but I will be. If you honestly think that thousands of Christians don’t die annually in Muslim countries, your head is buried in the sand. The Muslim people in those countries may be nice people, but the dictators who lead them are not. Those foreign governments hunt down and seek out ALL other religions beside Islam. Two of my family friends, Shaun and Ahmal S--------, are Christian missionaries in a country I can’t mention. They have told us in letters that if they are discovered, they will be beheaded…
America doesn’t sound so evil now, does it…
RE: Islaam really isn't as violent as you think
If an athiest were to bring up a Biblical reference which seemed to be commanding evil, Christians would provide a defense by explaining the passage of Scripture. So, if I, as a Christian, bring up even more Q’uaranic quotes than are already listed, should not the Muslim community provide an interpretation of the phrase, “Fight against those to whom the Scriptures are given, who believe not in Allah…”
I’d love to hear the explanation, because silence on the subject equals suspicion.
RE: Christian Fundamentalism ?
I’m new on this thread, but has anyone mentioned Billy Graham or his son Franklin Graham? They are the two biggest Christian ministers in the world, and no ever seems to attack them. As far as finances go, no one can make an arguement, though, because both of those men keep their financial books open at all times. They are completely honest. I wonder if Finsternis can accuse them of anything besides believing fallacies…
RE: Gibralter bridge
This thread is really stupid…
Morocco and Spain are way too poor to try any big construction project, and they would need Americans or Japanese to build it, anyway…
RE: The Next Super Power!
Why should the US be called “God’s own country?”
Our religions change continually… just like every other country in the world…
RE: Desputing Evolution or the bible
God is dead. -Neitche
Nietche is dead. -God
RE: North Korea
If MacArthur had his way, the six major bridges accross the Yalu River would have been take out six weeks previous to the Red invasion of 300,000 soldiers…
RE: The Existence of God
PETA has already explained where the dinosaurs went, even though they didn’t mean to. They constantly whine so that the next species won’t be made extinct by hunting.
Wa, What was that? Hunting? Are you saying that humans and their weapons were more powerful than giant beasts? Of course! We are taught as children that most dinosaurs had brains the size of an acorn, so why couldn’t we have simply killed them through over-hunting? The elephant would be dead today, too, if we didn’t care enough to protect it…
RE: North Korea
Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think anything underwater has moved at super sonic speeds yet. Especially things made in China. 8)
RE: Election
I think that I share GeZe’s sentiment that Bush stopped at Afghanistan… I don’t think that it’s on purpose, but because of that fool Tom Daschle and his party. They demanded that Bush go through the UN, which I know not many people on this site like, instead of just bombing the hell out of Saddam. THAT’S why we’ve been waiting since last January for some real action…
RE: The Next Super Power!
America will fall, but don’t be so sure that it will be anytime soon…
We are an empire, just like all of those others listed, but ONE factor must be kept in mind. We are the first empire to WILLINGLY cease expansion. In fact, when we stopped expanding, we grew in power. This factor throws a monkey wrench into the idea of how long we may last. Most of those other empires continually invaded other places to grow in wealth and power, but we found a way to do that from home. Many other nations still hate us, though, even though we send so much aid out… or maybe it’s just unneccesary jealousy? They would have the same wealth and power if they would also adopt freedom and capitalism, so I don’t feel sorry for them…
RE: What the USA Can Do to Save the World . . .
by the way, CC,
Even the loons in California pay lower taxes than Canadiens generally do… I’d move to Texas in a heartbeat if this state were under Canada’s tax laws…
RE: What the USA Can Do to Save the World . . .
They would NEED california to produce enough beer for Americans!
RE: North Korea
I think that you guys might be trying to dispute a claim that was fallacious to begin with.
Who ever said that 1st world nations envied the US? They seem to be happy where they are, for if they weren’t, we would have INS problems with Canada, not Mexico, Cuba, etc. It’s the 3rd world nations that envy America.
RE: Election
If you are so certain that Republican control spells disaster for democracy, then I’m sure you won’t be afraid of some hearty discussion…
First of all, when we speak generally, our democracy is protected when we put power into the hands of THE MANY, NOT THE FEW. This means that THE FEW ( Government officials) need to have their power severely limited. What are some things that could make those officials more powerful? Laws that would allow them to tax you more heavily? :o Decide for you what health care you need? (Hillary Care, 1993, received only 7 votes in the Senate :P ) Laws that regulate your own private business? Laws that restrict or regulate what you can do on your own private property? :evil:These sorts of bills really tweek my shorts. :x I just want the government, by in large, to leave me alone. It only needs to fix my roads, and call me up when I need to defend it… little else is necessary, because, unlike many liberals would like you to think, we are capable of running our own lives! :D These bills that I so abhor are all things that Democrats unashamedly support. They want Congress and the President (when it suits them) to have more power and control. THAT IS WHAT I CALL FASCIST!!! :o
RE: North Korea
There are few things in this world that I know alot about, but one of them is the Korean Conflict.
I assure you, Korea was very similar to Vietnam: Both times we sent our men in, but didn’t allow them to win… (Containment doesn’t work…)
If we had wanted to, 300,000 Red Chinese would have never been able to cross the Yalu River into North Korea. At the time, there were 6 bridges ( of respectable proportion) that crossed the Yalu. Supreme Commander of Allied Powers Douglas MacArthur asked for permission to take those bridges out in early 1950. Permission was denied, and the rest is history.My point in all of this is this: you might be right in saying that we could never take out the Red Army itself. I just want to make the point that, as in 1950, our tech advantages (in the last case, that was our air power) can stop the army from mobilizing any foreign offensive, and that includes trying to cross that river…
RE: North Korea
In response to your claims:
A.) The largest military in the world, if unarmed, can be mowed down by machine guns.
B) We wouldn’t be invading China, merely keeping them out of a North Korean conflict.
C) The Himilayas and the desert contain about 4 FREAKIN PERCENT OF CHINA’S POPULATION!!!
D) Third largest country still loses to #1 military…
E) We sold them the nukes that they do have, so who do YOU think has MORE nukes?
F) (just a side note…) The reason that WW3 wasn’t started during the Cold War was this… if they launch nukes against US, they WILL BE DEAD IN 15 MINUTES!!! (If they are lucky) -
RE: North Korea
I’m afraid that you are mistaken about what is necessary for a WW3 to take place…
You need to have 2 large, formidable, closely-matched opponents for a war of those proportions…
China is NOWHERE NEAR OUR POWER. The importance of tech and air forces cannot be underestimated…
they would lose decisively, and therefore, not get involved in the first place.