Here is a second variant for adding Seaplanes to the game – this time without a bonus attack round. This variant can only be applied when playing with the optional rule of Hidden Movement.
- Players secretly plan all sea movements (including freighters, destroyers and their cargo).
- Seaplanes are sent out - with the limit of maximum five sea zones and two seaplanes per sea zone.
- Submarines may be moved to scout ships. No attacks at this time!
- Dice are rolled separately for seaplanes and submarines: The result determines how many and which ships the opponent must reveal in that sea zone - i.e., he must reveal (= execute movement for) one ship of each category that either remains in or is moved to that sea zone. The following assignment applies: 1 = one freighter, 2 = one freighter + aircraft carrier each, 3 = one freighter + aircraft carrier + battleship each, 4 = one freighter + aircraft carrier + battleship + cruiser/destroyer each. On a roll of 5, the seaplane returns to base because it missed the enemy; on a roll of 6, it is destroyed. For submarines, a roll of 4, 5 or 6 means no enemy sighting. Thus they cannot sight cruisers and destroyers.
- Optional: for every die roll of 1, a seaplane may force a submarine that has remained in or moved to its sea zone at this point to submerge instead of having the enemy to reveal a freighter.
- Example 1: Japan rolls a “1” and a “3” for its two seaplanes in sea zone H. The US player must reveal the following units, if available: 2 freighters, 1 aircraft carrier, and 1 battleship. He does not have to reveal the planned movements of the other ships in sea zone H.
- Example 2: The US rolls a “2” and a “5” for a seaplane and a submarine in sea zone G. Japan must reveal one freighter and one aircraft carrier, if available. It does not have to reveal a second carrier or any other ships.
- Starting with the First Player, players move their bombers, tactical bombers and fighters.
- Only now the remaining naval movements are executed. Submarine attacks are also done in this step. This also applies to subs used for scouting in step 3 (unless they have been forced to submerge).
- Following the submarines, as usual, the battles take place in the order of air, sea and land combat.
Everyone is kindly asked to playtest and report on both variants. Depending on my gaming buddy, I will give both variants a try. Perhaps the first variant without using Hidden Movement, the second variant using this optional rule.