all tanks all rounds sitting in smolensk will do.
Posts made by Bodeacious
RE: Some defensive russia advice
RE: UK merger income in G40
Planes or ships that transport IPCs. Maybe the value of the piece is how many IPC’s you can transport. That takes, what, three turns for a fighter to get to UK from India? Maybe two for a bomber? I haven’t played in a while. It also means that it costs UK money to shift it’s IPCs and forces greater movement by the Brits. I think this could be fun, and solve at least a few of the problems raised above without disadvantaging the any one side too much. The question is, can Indian planes get to UK in time?
RE: British in the Med - various Alpha+
I agree that 92 is probably better than 91.
RE: British in the Med - various Alpha+
All this is valid.
The guys I play against, I think, are lielyy to not prep for a sealion and are most likely to build men for Russia on the first go. This is why I was thinking about trying to hold the med.
If they do posture for Sealion, obviously I will building a home defense.
I don’t see an advantage to grouping the navy near Gibralter.
British in the Med - various Alpha+
Just wondering what you gys do in the med witht the British if you decide to try and hold it.
Of course, if you are going with the setup with two airbases in Italy, I wouldn’t bother trying, just pull back and save things to retake when you have a bit more stuff, or at least stop the Italians from taking all of Africa.
If you are going with the setup with only one air-base in Italy, where the British fleet is off Egypt and there is an airfield and a plane in Malta, and a plane in gibralter, an attack on the italians is a possibility. This is mostly what I am interested in.
In the next game, we are using that setup. We are playing so that you can scramble against a sea assault on any territory in the same sea zone as the airbase.
I am Britain and will try to hold Egypt and the Med. Subject to what goes on with the royal navy and the Germans, I’m gonna think about purchasing a minor IC for Egypt and an airbase for trans-jordan.
I will hit Iraq with two men on an Egyptian transport and the planes from India - to land in Transjordan after 1 round, unless it looks like I will win withuot air casualties.
My major question is, what do I do with the Navy. Three options spring to mind:
Hit SZ 97 and use a cruiser to block in sz 96 = 15 pips (7 hits) v 19 pips (6 hits). If I win, Egypt will be held and the Italian navy will eventually get taken out
Hit SZ 95 wiht everything that will reach = 18 pips (8 hits) v 18 pips (7 hits).
just hold in sz 98 - maybe block 99 and 96 with a destroyer and a cruiser.
Can anyone please provide some perspectives on this, or describe experiences with these options.
RE: Alpha+1 game Pacific situation end of round six 12/20/10
Ta. Looks interesting.
RE: Alpha+1 game Pacific situation end of round six 12/20/10
What is happeninig in Australia.
RE: Alpha+1 game session Europe situation after seventeen rounds 01/03/11
What did the British do in the Med?
RE: Med thoughts using Alpha plus setup
Hangout out where you start.Take the cruiser out the suez somewhere and find use for it. If Canadian transports survive, land them in gibralter.
If If I were italy I’d hit the UK fleet if I could and take gibralter so UK can’t counter with it’s England planes?
RE: Respect
There is really only one guiding princable at the core of these new games, and that is the objectives. In order to win, the axis must capture 14 victory cities, and keep hold of one of their 3 cpaitals, while the allies have to capture the 3 axis capitals. Whatever strat you come up with, it has to answer this one question, “How will this bring me closer to captuering a victory city/capital?” If you cant answer this question, or see a way to benifit towards this end, then you probably shouldnt do it. Move only when it benifits you, as Sun Tzu once said
true dat.
RE: Respect
I need to point out that people need to stop assuming that Larry Harris is unable to make a game. If you think that the game is imbalanced it is probably because you need to sit down and think up some strategies for whatever side you feel is underpowered. Nerfing the opposition is not a viable fix, it is a band aid to people’s inability to be creative.
Even if something did turn out to be imbalanced then it would be impossible to find out this soon after release.
I say people show some respect and keep their temper tantrums to themselves. If they can’t phrase things with some logic and nicely then perhaps they should abide by the age old saying and say nothing at all. The game is not broken, you are broken. Stop complaining about the US income and use your brain to discover axis strategies that work.
This is directed at no one in particular but rather at the community as a whole, myself included. Lets stop jumping to conclusions and instead be thankful for the great job and effort that went into this fantastic game. If we really thought we could do so much better than perhaps we should have done so and created our own game. Since we haven’t lets give credit where credit is due.
Thanks for a great game Larry.
RE: India crush
It’s, thankfully, not possible due to the reduction of planes, transport, and the fact that you don’t want the US to enter the war on turn 1
Attacking UK doesn’t bring America into the war though. I agree the reduction in planes and trans make it harder to preform but I’m wondering if there is still a way maybe with Mnr in FIC and Shanghai.
I think attacking UK does bring US into the war.
J3 crush isn’t feasible, because, I tend to find you need to be able to have all your plans able to hit India. This requires you to be able to hold Yunaan against an attack from quite a few British men and arti ( or have Sri Lanka to be able to land your planes in. I found that you can take India with pretty good odds 2 turns after you attack. You need the dosh for the DEI, so that is a priority, but after three rounds of prepping, you can have about 8-9 transports of men able to hit India with the planes (although realistically, you’ll probably not use all of them). Another problem is that the Indian navy can be used fairy well to block.
RE: Italy's role?
They wouldn’t die, because you’d pull them out, wouldn’t you? I would.
It’s not all so black and white. You have to adapt your plan to the circumstances. You can’t ever do anything all the time.
RE: Tech question
One research token for 5IPC after you capture a victory city. This biases towards the axis, but I’m thinking that that can be a good thing in this game. One roll each turn. When you hit a six, you roll again to pick which branch (odds = 1, evens = 2). Then you roll for the tech. Variations on this might work.
Maybe, to make it fairer, there is just one tech per power, but it can’t be placed in their capital unless they only have one victory city. China has no tech, but ANZAC do, because we invented the photocopier and the multiple beer tap. For example, Japan might get a tech token if it takes Hong Kong, but not India. Italy gets one if it takes Cairo. Germany gets one if it take one of the Russian cities that the Russian player declared includes a tech token. Russia gets one if it takes Warsaw and the US get one if it takes Rome. That sort of thing. US would probably need to put one in Hawaii which could prompt Japan to attack earlier, to their detriment… but they will eventually get a tech (probably -maybe not).
The nations were constantly collecting foreign scientists for their own efforts.