You never take China’s money, as they have no Capital.
It keeps it banked until it can spend it again.
See this is the problem. China is never dead & never considered towards victory. They had no territory. National output was zero. Japan should get any money they have left. China should be considered as a victory condition because the war with China stretched all the way back to the late 1920’s. A conquered China would be a victory in Japanese eyes.
The US & Britain would need 3-5 more years of war to conquer the Japanese & doubt either would have the heart for it considering Pearl Harbor hadn’t happened and Britain was essentially broke by 1945. Doubt the US/UK would fight it out in 1946-50.
The whole Japanese strategy was to build an empire quickly enough to make a prolonged war with the US so costly that peace would be negotiated. Without Pearl Harbor as a rallying cry I doubt the US would’ve cared so deeply.
I understand it’s a game, but it is historical. I don’t think conquering China was properly addressed.
Just looking for counterpoints.
We ended the game because I wasn’t in Sydney & didn’t have the force to take it. Honolulu would fall the next turn or my fleet would be decimated. The US could now out pace me & India was starting a slow march east. As I stated above in years the game(war) would have easily taken 3-5 more turns(years).