A fleet of transports ready to cross from South Africa to India, threatening an expanding Japan’s flank could be interesting. On the flip side, Africa becomes fairly well protected against an aggressive Japan. Tanks via the Suez canal can also hinder Japanese expansion.
S. Africa only has an IPC of 2. It would take a LONG time for UK to build up enough naval and transportable forces at 2 a round to create any real threat to Japan; and then they would still have 2 moves to reach any original Japan territory.
And all the time UK is building navy and “transportables” in South Africa, Germany is running rough-shod over Russia.
The simple fact is that the cost to build the IC, and then the cost and time to develope it simply DO NOT EXIST if the Axis is being played by even a slightly competant gamer.
UK has ONE job, and ONLY one job: Batter the heck out of Germany, no matter what. Anything less, and Russia falls, and then it is just a matter of time for US and UK.