@leebear In my experience I haven’t run out of any pieces while playing a game.

Posts made by 655321
RE: A question on components.
RE: Strategicon 2020
This looks like lots of fun! I live in SoCal so if I’m not too busy that weekend I’ll come check it out.
RE: AnA 1940 Zombie Cards
@1940_Fan These are great, thank you for sharing! How do I download these flash cards? Do I have to make a quizlet account?
RE: Young Grasshopper's G40 Custom Card Deck (now available)
@Young-Grasshopper said in Young Grasshopper's G40 Custom Card Deck (now available):
@Cloudesley sorry, but I took it down because I’m designing a new deck… should be available mid February.
I have the previous version of your deck and I love it. Will the new version be only a cosmetic update or will some of the rules be changed as well?
RE: Movie: 1917
I’ve heard good things about this movie. It’s on my short list of movies to watch.
RE: AAZ Question: played any other Axis and Allies game with AAZ?
@Randy_Randelman1234 I just downloaded the AA50 Zombie Deck. Thanks for sharing. Now to print it and play it!
RE: Incredible Global 1936 table
What the…? Did they custom fab this metal table for the map? Or was the table originally made for something else and the map just so happened to fit in there perfectly?
It looks like a stainless steel table, with drawers! This is like the Lamborghini of GW tables.
RE: AAZ Question: played any other Axis and Allies game with AAZ?
If you buy AAZ, it comes with an extra deck of cards for use with the AA 1942 game. This way you can add the zombies to AA 1942.
I’m guessing that zombies could be added to just about any AA game if you were to design a deck of cards to complete the adaptation for said game.
I think Someone needs to make a video where they play AA and invoke Loser’s Privilege in spectacular fashion.
RE: What are your comfortable game lengths?
@yanksaldaway Some people use a chess timer with a time limit (like 20 minutes per turn or something) to keep the game moving along.
RE: How many G40 games have you played?
I’m a longtime A&A player but only just bought G40 earlier this year. I’ve played 4 games so far. Axis have won every time. I have not yet done any bids, because I wanted to see if the Allies could with without a bid. However I’m now thinking I should start doing bids in future games to give the Allies a fighting chance.
I’m currently in the middle of game number 5. For this game I’m using the YG tournament rules and card deck, along with a handful of expansions from HBG. So far I like the tourney rules and the expansions.
RE: What is low luck dice
So if I understand it correctly, low luck dice are designed to reduce or eliminate the unusually high or low score possibilities? Like it eliminates getting 6 hits with 6 infantry, or conversely getting 0 hits with 6 strategic bombers?
RE: Looking for feedback on house rule ideas for HBG Marines expansion w/ AAG40
Thank you, that is helpful information. I like these ideas. I’m going to start a new game soon and try some of these out.
Looking for feedback on house rule ideas for HBG Marines expansion w/ AAG40
Warning: Long Read
I have The Few The Proud The Marines expansion from HBG, and the rulebook includes a section to adapt it for use with AAG40. You can see the rulebook at this link:
This expansion is designed for the GW1936 game, and in GW1936 all amphibious assaults have a special first round where only boots (no tanks, artillery, or mech infantry) can disembark from transports, and the disembarking infantry take double casualties that round. Only disembarking US Marine and US Marine Elite units, or units disembarking from LSM boats, avoid the double casualty rule. The subsequent rounds in the amphibious assault proceed as normal. The Marines expansion set’s adaptation rules for AAG40 incorporate this special first round mechanic.
I want to avoid using this special first round amphibious assault rule in my AAG40 game but still find a way to make the US Marine units and LSM units a worthwhile purchase. The reason I don’t want to use this rule is because it NERFs every player’s amphibious assaults, and only the US can buy units to get around the NERF. I’d rather just give an enhanced ability to the units in the expansion set rather than make amphibious assaults more difficult for every player.
US Marines cost 4 IPC and aside from the double casualty exemption are just like regular infantry. LSM boats cost 5 IPC and carry 1 unit. So how do I make US Marine units and LSM units a worthwhile purchase absent the double casualty/only boots disembark on first round rule?
I came up with two ideas:
My first idea is to give US Marine units an attack of 2 on the first round of an amphibious assault. This somewhat steps on the toes of the US Marine Elite units who also have an attack of 2 but the Elite units get that attack level all the time, not only for amphibious assaults. And this this doesn’t help make LSMs worth buying.
My second idea is to give the US Marine units and LSMs a “combined arms” rule where the Marine will get an attack of 2 in the first round of an amphibious assault only if disembarking from an LSM, not from a transport. This makes the LSM a worthwhile purchase and keeps some value for the US Marine unit as well.
What do you (yes, you) think of these ideas? Which one is better? Are there any other ideas I’m not thinking of? What would you do differently?
This is my first time trying to come up with a new rule and I feel like the community here has a lot of experience and success dealing with issues like this, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
RE: IJN and USN sea battle at Tokyo
Imagine it conceptually as the repair having to occur on the turn AFTER the damage was incurred.
So if on turn 1 your BB takes a hit, and it ends its turn adjacent to a naval port, the damage repair will occur on turn 2 during the purchase/repair phase.
Now keep in mind that if your BB gets damaged on turn 1, but does NOT end its turn adjacent to a friendly naval base, then you won’t be able to repair the damage on turn 2, because you’ll only have an opportunity to move your BB to a naval base during combat or noncombat movement phase, which happens AFTER the purchase/repair phase. So you’ll have to move the BB to the naval base on turn 2, and then repair it on turn 3.
RE: My trouble with dice - and are casino dice the answer?
I ordered a yellow set of casino precision dice and they just arrived. They look beautiful, just like the red and blue dice. Deep color. However these yellow dice are a bit on the orange side, only slightly. Doesn’t bother me, but it’s more of a deep amber yellow than it is a lemonade yellow.
Only colors I have yet to get are the green and purple dice. I’ll probably get a set of each of those soon because I gotta say these casino dice are working out really well, and I like rolling big rolls!
RE: I bought some HBG expansion sets for AAG40
I just received my order. I happen to have an AAG40 game underway right now, and it’s in the middle of turn 7. So my plan is to try and incorporate these 4 expansions into the current game. I’m going to have the US start research on nukes immediately. Japan and Germany are really dominating this game though, so I don’t know if the US can get any nukes ready in time. If not, then I’ll try again next game.
I’m also going to have the US build some Marines so I can use that expansion set too and hopefully push the Japanese back across the Pacific.
But Germany and Japan are also going to start building the P170 jet and Super Yamato respectively, which should give the Allies second thoughts. Oh, the drama! Can’t wait to see how these expansions affect the war!
RE: My trouble with dice - and are casino dice the answer?
I ain’t trying to advertise for anybody, but GSE sells red, blue, green, yellow, and purple 19mm precision serialized casino dice on Ebay and Amazon.
RE: I bought some HBG expansion sets for AAG40
Oh cool, I’ll check out the JU87 tank killer! I haven’t considered painting pieces like in the detailed way that others have. However, I bought the Super Yamato in white, so I’m going to have to rattle can it with pumpkin orange.
I built a few Estes models when I was younger and I sucked at painting detail, I could barely even place a decal decently. Some of the custom detail paintjobs in this forum set the bar very high in my mind, and I don’t know if I could paint my own pieces nearly that well.
RE: UK Europe and Pacific in same side of the board
Combat movement, combat, and noncombat movement are done simultaneously and in unison for UK Europe and UK Pacific. You can move Europe pieces to the Pacific side and vice-versa. Europe and Pacific UK units can attack together in the same battles. You also share technology between UK Europe and UK Pacific.
The only separation between UK Europe and UK Pacific is when you are buying units, mobilizing units, and collecting income. UK Europe spends money only on units that will be mobilized in UK Europe factories, and UK Pacific spends money only on units that will be mobilized in UK Pacific factories. Also remember that when you are playing the AA Global 1940 game, West India is counted as a UK Pacific territory and its income is given to the UK Pacific side. That’s the only UK territory on the European map that is counted as a UK Pacific territory when playing the Global game.