Maybe I’m missing something obvious, but I don’t really buy that G42 is Allied favored. India will fall Round 4 no matter what and the Eastern Front stabilizes for the Axis pretty quickly with the US being tied up preventing a Japanese win in the Pacific.

Best posts made by ColonelCarter
RE: Global 1942 Scenario by Larry Harris
Latest posts made by ColonelCarter
RE: Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread
It’s on page 22:
@rulebook:Immediately before the combat is resolved, any defending artillery
present in the attacked territory can make a pre-emptive strike against all of
your offloading land units and fighters as they come ashore.
Surviving attacking units then land in the territory and move on to land combat.
The land combat is conducted in the same manner as any other land combat with one exception. If there was no sea battle, any battleships that are in the sea zone(s) from which units offloaded from transports can conduct offshore bombardment.The bolded segment states that there’s no difference to the land combat with the remaining land units preventing the artillery from defending. If there were, they would have to specify “don’t put defending artillery on the battle board” or something along those lines.
RE: Bobby Fischer
I agree with basically everything Argothair said, but
@Argothair:because it allows you a guaranteed opportunity to take all of Russia’s income,
Since the errata, the Central Powers have the option to decline the armistice if it triggers. Having the rules in place now only favors the CP since they can take the armistice if it would save them from having to fight a ton of Russians, or decline it because Russia has ruined its army trying to prevent a CP-favorable armistice.
RE: Transport Use
Yes, this is fine. A transport can pick up anywhere along its movement (even from multiple territories), but is only allowed to offload once per turn, and cannot load more after unloading. That’s probably the “bridging” you’re thinking of–trying to “walk” an unlimited amount of units over a transport that doesn’t have to move.
RE: [TripleA 1914] The Zimmerman Telegram
I made a rough representation of vanilla A&A 1914 a while back to test out strategies; here’s the version updated for 1.9.
A lot of stuff doesn’t function automatically, read the Game Notes first.Note: this is not Flashman’s map/rules. If you were wanting that, sorry to disappoint.
RE: Question regarding choice of battles
The US can choose to fight the battles in either order, but it won’t matter. Defending planes that lose the carrier holding them in combat get 1 movement to land after the Combat phase is done, so at that point it would already be determined if they had a friendly place to land regardless of the battle order. The landing is done after the whole combat phase to avoid confusion of planes getting to defend twice, which they don’t.
RE: Naval questions
Going to continue here in this page:
Off loading Transports, can you off load troops to more than one territory IF your transport is within other territories in that SZ? For example… SZ 36 in Pacific, can you do a multi drop off your choice, in FIC and Kwangsi?
A single transport can’t offload into multiple territories, but if you had more than one transport, they could each offload into separate territories (i.e. one offloads 2 units into FIC, another offloads 2 units into Kwangsi)
RE: Global 1942 version question
That assumption is wrong. While Germany starts the scenario controlling those territories, they are still original Russian territories, similar to how the Chinese territories controlled by Japan at the start of the games are still original Chinese territories, preventing Japan from building major ICs on anything but Korea.
RE: Naval questions
1. Yes, but both sides will have the option to submerge their sub before any shots are fired (as neither side has a destroyer to prevent the other from submerging), so it’s unlikely that the defender will stay to fight the lopsided battle.
2. Yes, subs from opposing sides can share a SZ.
3. Yes. Russia doesn’t get the NO if there is at least one German, Italian or Japanese sub in SZ125, even if they are not at war with the power owning the sub.
4. No. You need a surface warship. They are destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and aircraft carriers, so no subs or transports count.
5. Yes. UK shares all tech between the two economies. Also, both sides can contribute when buying tech dice. For example, UK Europe can spend 4 IPCs and UK Pacific can spend 1 IPC to purchase 1 tech die.
6. Yes. If AAA are the only unit(s) remaining on the defender’s side and the attacker still has at least one unit, they are automatically killed and the attacker conquers the territory, if applicable. Note that the attacker does not get a chance to retreat from only AAA, so you can potentially strand attacking ground units that were intending to retreat by taking all non-AAA as casualties and leaving only AAA to be auto-destroyed.
Hope this helps!
RE: Concerning transports / "bridging"
Interpretation B is correct.
I like to consider loading and unloading as part of the transport’s movement. Transports can grab units from coastal territories that satisfy certain conditions (see below) and can drop them in another coastal territory at the end of their movement.
This interpretation falls through for multi-national transporting, but that also has other exceptions and I can still grasp the concept.“Loading/unloading uses up the complete movement of a Land unit for this Turn” means that to load, you need all your movement points, i.e. a multi-move unit can’t move before getting picked up by a transport. Similarly, unloading also uses all movement points, i.e. a multi-move unit can’t move after unloading, even if it was loaded on a previous turn.
RE: Paratrooper question
I don’t know why HBs would even matter. Your bombers effectively attack on 5 rather than four now.
He’s talking about old heavy bombers. The ones that rolled 2 dice @4 and kept both results. Those were pretty much game over.