Several months ago I stumbled across Panzer Painter and Chad’s examples of what they’ve done with their pieces and it inspired me to paint my own. I’d also seen that people had magnetized their Aircraft Carriers, Tac-Bombers and Fighters. As well as mounted their Heavy Bombers on little platforms. In my opinion, absolutely brilliant. I looked over all the topics here and couldn’t find a ‘how to’, so I ask, how the hell did you do it?
I’ve tried 2 methods: Firstly, Magnetic adhesive tape, problem I had with this was that I couldn’t cut it to fit the tops of my AC’s in a way I liked, or found appealing. I couldn’t make it look like anything but half-assed and amateur.
Secondly, Magnetic Paint, Problem I had with this was that I couldn’t get a strong enough connection between the top of the AC and the plane bottoms. I’m thinking the problem is surface area with some of the fighters. The can said it requires 3 coats to get the proper effect, I stopped after 7.
Can anyone save me some time and tell me how they did theirs? And equally important, where they got what was needed. I haven’t experimented with the Heavy Bombers yet because I’ve been busy painting, as well, frankly pretty disappointed that I haven’t made the AC’s turn out how I want. But I’m also not sure what method to use to do this either. Some look like a simple rubber half sphere, the type of thing you would see under a glass table top, with a finishing nail driven through. Others I’m not sure. But if anyone could shed some light on this it’d be much appreciated as well.